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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pernyataan Mario Teguh

Mario Teguh dihujani berbagai kritikan seputar pernyataannya di twitter yang membuat wanita perokok menjadi tersinggung.Terhitung pagi ini, Minggu (21/2), motivator kondang Mario Teguh menutup akun jejaring sosial Twitter miliknya karena dituding telah memojokkan wanita perokok.

Berikut Mario Teguh Twitter klarifikasi Mario yang dimuat dalam sebuah grup di situs jejaring sosial facebook miliknya.

Bagian pertama, Sahabat Indonesia yang super, yang hatinya baik, dan yang sedang membangun kehidupan yang damai dan sejahtera, bagi kebahagiaan keluarga terkasih.

Berkenaan dengan perkembangan berita mengenai penarikan pelayanan MTSuperClub (MTSC) dari Twitter, bersama ini saya menyampaikan konfirmasi yang mudah-mudahan tidak Anda butuhkan untuk betul-betul mengerti letak konsep dari posting kami di Twitter yang telah menjadi bahan berita di beberapa media.

1. Apa pun prosedur pemilihan, penyusunan, dan penerbitan posting di Twitter dan semua media pelayanan publik MTSC via internet yang hampir mencapai jumlah 900,000 anggota di seluruh dunia, adalah sepenuhnya tanggung-jawab pribadi saya dan hanya saya.

2. Para Moderator MTSC tidak dihukum atau menerima penalti apa pun atas ketidak-setujuan sebagian anggota publik atas posting di media-media kami, karena saya yang menugaskan mereka, dan mereka terjamin dan terlindungi oleh tanggung-jawab saya sebagai pemberi tugas, selama yang mereka lakukan adalah kesalahan; karena kesalahan adalah hal wajar bagi siapa pun yang sedang belajar untuk menjadi lebih mampu. Mereka akan sangat terhukum jika kesalahan itu disebabkan oleh ketidak-jujuran.

3. Tujuan dari postings di media pelayanan MTSC adalah untuk memajukan pemikiran, penyikapan, dan perilaku yang mengutamakan kedamaian, kesejahteraan, dan kecemerlangan peran pribadi mereka yang kami layani dalam kehidupan pribadi dan profesi mereka.

4. Atas anjuran MT Management, saya dan beberapa MTSC Moderator memulai proses belajar menemukan cara-cara untuk menggunakan kekuatan dari jejaring Twitter untuk melengkapi sistem pelayanan publik kami yang sudah ada. Kami mulai aktif menggunakan Twitter dengan nama account MarioTeguhMTGW pada 1 Februari 2010, yang dalam 20 hari telah menerima lebih dari 23,000 followers.

5. #MTOF (MT Open Forum) adalah trending topic yang kami rancang sebagai koleksi mata diskusi akhir minggu (Sabtu dan Minggu, 20-21 Februari 2010).

6. #MTOF 6. adalah mata diskusi yang menasehatkan anak putri kita untuk tidak mempersulit masa depan kehidupan pribadi dan pernikahan mereka sendiri

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Things To Do In And Around Melbourne

Melbourne is the capital of Victoria, Australia. Melbourne offers great shopping and dining and Victoria has got a beautiful countryside and coast line combining beautiful national and state parks with quiet little towns and some larger regional centres. Phillip Island is a charming island with some big tourist attractions like the penguin parade and the Motor Racing Grand Prix. It is a great place to go for a short break, relax and be one with nature.

Phillip Island is located about 90 minutes away from Melbourne, Phillip Island is linked to the mainland by a bridge connecting the mainland town of San Remo to the island town of Newhaven. Once you have arrived there are plenty of accommodations for staying overnight on the island. Hotels are located in the main township of Cowes and other towns on the island. Beach side apartments can be found on the islands seaside villages. Resorts, camping sites and caravan rentals also allow guests different ways of experiencing the island.

Phillip Island draws over 3.5 million tourists each year and the primary reason for that is the penguin parade. The penguin parade allows visitors a chance to see the world's smallest species of penguins up close. Australia is one of the few places in the world where this species of penguin is found. At the Phillip Island Nature Park, an area has been set aside specifically for viewing. Just after the sun sets down, the fairy penguins as they are often called return from fishing in the sea to their sand dune burrows. You can witness as the penguins return to the island in groups; the entire process lasts about 50 minutes.

The lights and elevated boardwalks make it easy for you to see the penguins. You can't make photographs, but you can see the little penguins from only a few feet away. They are a mesmerizing breed and you will find yourself not able to stop looking at them. Additionally, visitors must stay within the designated areas to not disturb the animals. You should also remember to dress warmly when you come have a look at the penguins. At night by the seaside you can easily get cold as my family has experienced in a number of occassions!

Though penguins might be the main draw, there is much more wildlife to experience on Phillip Island. The Noobies Centre offers an interactive look at marine life through high tech cameras that capture their every move while removing unobtrusive. You can see sea bird colonies, sharks, seals and dolphins as well as the island's beautiful south coast. The Blowhole is a sea cave that is must see during high tide as it can shoot out sea spray. A visit to the Koala Conservation Centre will give you a treetop view of koalas and native island birds.

Just offshore of Newhaven is the historic Churchill Island. This historic working farm dating back to the late 1800s includes sheep, chickens, Clydesdale horses and peacocks. This is where you can walk through beautiful woodlands showcasing the islands birdlife and trees hundreds of years old.

If you are interested in a more action oriented trip, you will be glad to know that Phillip Island does not disappoint with popular activities including fishing, boating scuba diving and island walks. Cape Woolamai offers one of the best panoramic views of the island for taking a walk. Its beach is also popular among professional surfers looking for strong rips and currents. For swimming the north side of the island is better as the seas tend to be a little less rough.

Fans of motorsport will not be disappointed when touring Phillip Island. The island was the original home to the Australian Grand Prix and the Bathurst 1000. The Phillip Island Grand Prix Circuit is the current home of the motorcycle version of the Grand Prix and is the host venue for a number of other motorsport events. The Visitor Centre covers the history of the motor racing on the island and provides a guided tour of the circuit.

So you see, Phillip Island, despite its' size, has got a wide variety of attractions. When you visit Melbourne for longer than a few days I would definitely recommend you come check out the Penguin Parade at least. Those little creatures are really wonderful. Anything else is up to the time you have available and what you want to do, but you can definitely spend a day or two on the island without getting bored. Spend any longer and you run the risk of falling in love with Phillip Island and never wanting to leave again!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Beginner Guitar Online

In the process of learning how to play your guitar chords, you will want to get started and apply these chords to a musical situation like a favourite song.. If you have learned even just one guitar chord, then you are ready to begin learning how to strum on your guitar.

Strumming on the guitar can seem like a mystery when watching other players flawlessly play rhythm on the guitar. What looks difficult, is in reality, a combination of practice and what are called strumming patterns.

Let’s take a look at how to strum on your guitar in three easy mini lessons to describe how to get started strumming your guitar.

1. Guitar strumming: It’s great to learn how to play guitar chords, however, It’s even more fun once you figure out how to strum your guitar chords. Guitar chord strumming consists of learning rhythm strum patterns that will utilize your right hand while holding your guitar pick. With your guitar pick you strum your hand up and down the guitar strings with the chord that you are playing with.

2. Strum patterns: Basic guitar strum patterns consist of what are called down stroke’s and upstroke’s. Begin to Mix and match your Up and down stroke’s with your guitar chords. Mixing around your up and down strokes will allow for variation in the sound of your guitar chords. As you improve your strum pattern technique, you will discover a whole new world of strumming pattern variations that will add life and creativity to the guitar chords that you are learning.

3. Get Started: Pick your favourite guitar chord. With your right hand holding your guitar pick, count to yourself the following; one, two, three, four. Repeat this to yourself four times so that you have in your head what is called a 4/4 time signature. In a downward motion strum your guitar four times. You have now played the most basic guitar strum pattern available. Next, strum upwards four times counting 1234. Next, we are going to vary your strum pattern. With your right hand strum down and then strum up. Do this 2x. In other words: down, up, down up. While you are strumming your guitar remember to count out loud. For example: Down=“1“, Up=“2“, Down=“3“, Down=“4“. Repeat this strum pattern over and over, and try different strum pattern combinations such as up=1 up=2 up=3 down=4.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Car Tail Lights

Android Apk - In the day time you have the luxury of enjoying the scenery from your car window. In the country side you can have a look at the natural features of a landscape. In the night you are at a disadvantage. For long stretches you only see the road ahead and tail lights of the vehicles going ahead of you. However, it has to be admitted that tail lights do look quite fascinating at night. This aspect of the tail lights encourages the designers to make them look unique and more attractive. As their name itself suggests they are located at the rear end of the car, but it does not reduce their importance as a show piece item. You would have noticed that tail lights prominently feature in car advertisements to lure the buyers.

The cosmetic value of tail lights should not be underestimated but that is not the reason for their existence. They are a safety feature. They indicate to the driver of the vehicle following you of your presence on the road. Apart from that the tail lights are also designed to warn him of your intended maneuvers like turning left or right, or stopping. It makes driving on the road safe for him for him, safe for you, and every one else on the road.

Car tail lights are thus a combination of a safety feature and an adornment item. Inventions of new sources of light like LED lights have made them look brighter and prettier. They are available in various designs like Euro tail lights and wrap up lights. They impart a distinct identity to a car, so much so that people think of a particular car by recalling the looks of its tail lights. The new innovations improve the utility value of the tail lights as well. They are very useful in adverse weather conditions when visibility is poor.

Once darkness falls tail lights are not just another style feature of your car. They are the main aspect of your car styling as seen from behind at the time. By properly selecting them you can give your car a distinctive look. You will see a variety of designs in the market.

Istri Sunan Tak Rela Kalijaga Diambil Jennifer Dunn

Video Jennifer Dunn Ciuman dengan Sunan Kalijaga, tak bisa dicegah menyebar kemana saja. Perselingkuhan antara artis yang terlibat narkoba, Jennifer Dunn dengan pengacaranya, Sunan Kalijaga, berbuntut panjang.

Pasalnya istri Sunan Kalijaga, Heidy Sunan, 28, tak rela berbagai suami dengan Jennifer Dunn. “Bila mereka menikah, lebih baik saya pergi. Saya tidak mau dimadu. Itu sudah keputusan saya,” kata Heidy Sunan di Plaza Senayan, Jumat.

Sebagai wanita, ibu dua anak ini terpukul mengetahui suaminya punya hubungan dengan wanita lain. “Semula saya anggap hubungan Jennifer dengan suami saya itu hanya pertemanan saja. Tapi sekarang terbukti mereka punya hubungan,” katanya.

Heidy telah mencium hubungan Jennifer Dunn dengan suaminya sejak November 2009. “Waktu itu, saya belum yakin. Tapi setelah diberitakan di berbagai media, baru saya yakin suami saya itu selingkuh,” katanya.

“Saya berharap suami saya sadar dan bekerja sebagai pengacara profesional,” tambahnya.

Seperti diberitakan, pengacara Sunan Kalijaga dipergoki tengah berciuman dengan Jennifer Dunn, di tahanan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Barat . Keduanya mengaku saling mencintai

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hurricane Evacuation

Don't wait until you turn on TV and hear the newscaster announcing a total evacuation of your area or until the fire or police department is going door-to-door telling everyone to leave their homes to have a plan for the care of your pets.

If your home is not safe for you, it is NOT safe for your pets. The authorities are concerned about protecting human life; it must be your concern to protect your pets.

Since hurricane season is upon us, it is time to develop a plan in case of evacuation.

First, put together a box or bag of the items your pet will need. This might include:

A copy of vaccination records (this is especially useful if you might be going to a pet-friendly shelter or will have a need to board your pet).

Have a two-week supply of medication available.

If your dog is sick or old, having vet records is a good idea in case you are forced to visit a vet that is not familiar with your pet.

Gather up the standard items also, food for one or two weeks, food and water bowls, leashes, collar, crate with fresh liners, trash bags, pet toys, comfort items, brushes and shampoo.

If you are planning on staying with a friend or relative, check ahead of time to make sure your pet is welcome.

If you have a hotel in mind, call to make sure pets are allowed. If pets are not allowed, ask if the rules are relaxed during emergencies.

If you cannot take your pet to the home or hotel where you are staying, look at kennels in the area and have their numbers on hand. Call and make a reservation for your pet as soon as you find out you must evacuate.

Pack a photograph of your pet in case you are separated.

Be sure to have a collar and ID on your pet with up-to-date information. If your pet is implanted with a microchip, know which type of microchip your pet has.

Don't take the chance of losing your pet because you are not prepared.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Valentine's Day A Lovers Tradition

Valentine's Day - February has long been known as the month of romance, and throughout our country loved ones often exchange cards, gifts, candy and flowers as a means of expressing their love. February 14th however, when we celebrate the holiday known as Valentine's Day, is when most of these gifts and expressions of our love are exchanged. But how did this mysterious tradition begin?

Romantic Valentine's Day Nights The holiday is both a Christian and ancient Roman tradition that is indeed very mysterious. The original Valentine's day can be traced back to the Catholic Church which began a feast day, said to be in honor of its patron saint named Valentinus or Valentine.

But how St. Valentine became associated with this lovers holiday has long been a matter of debate, and there are many legendary stories explaining the connection.

One of the most popular stories takes place during the third century in Rome. The ruling Emperor Claudius II had decided single men made better soldiers, and outlawed marriage so he could build a better crop of soldiers. A young priest by the name of Valentine defied the decree, and continued to marry young lovers in secret, and when Claudius discovered this he ordered that Valentine be put to death.

Legend does credit Valentine with actually sending the first valentine. The story claims he had fallen in love with a young women, who had been visiting him while he was in prison. It is alleged that he sent her a letter which he signed "From Your Valentine".

Another story suggests that while attempting to help Christians escape from the deplorable Roman prisons, where they were often tortured and beaten, he was killed.

We will never know the full truth about the Valentine legends, although there is no doubt about his heroic and romantic appeal.

Valentine was definitely one of the most popular saints in England and France during the middle ages.

It wasn't until the 19th century when British settlers arrived that Valentine's Day was was introduced to North America. Today, according to (Hallmark Research) 192 million Valentine's Day cards are exchanged annually. This is in addition to the millions of flowers, boxes of candy and assorted gifts exchanged by lovers on this day. The day has come to be associated with the greeting "Happy Valentine's Day"

Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14th every year. It gives you the opportunity to show a friend or lover, how much you care, by giving them a gift of love and sharing this lovely tradition with them.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hentikan Film Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan

Video Film Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan kembali membuat heboh serta resah masyarakat kita.Seperti biasa K2K Production selalu membuat film dengan judul-judulnya yang tidak biasa. Mengawali tahun 2010 ini, film dengan judul Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan ini dirilis. Bersama Steady Rimba yang 20 tahun lalu sukses dengan beberapa film laganya, kini ia mencoba menggarap film yang digawangi oleh Andy Soraya, Lia ‘Trio Macan’, Tessa Mariska, Ferly Putra, Rizky Mocil, Andreano Philips, dan Shierly Rushworth.

Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan - Dalam acara syukuran yang digelar di Cafe Planet Hollywood, 28 Januari 2009, yang minus dihadiri oleh produser dan sutradara, para pemain menceritakan pengalamannya dalam proses syuting. Seperti yang diungkapkan oleh Andy Soraya, yang dalam film komedi horor ini ia mengaku melakukan adegan striptease.

“Aku menjalankan secara profesional saja, aku ingin total di akting,” ujarnya wanita yang sebelumya bermain di Film Mau Dong Ah ini. “Sedangkan untuk mendalami adegan tersebut aku tonton film Streaptease-nya Demi Moore,” tambahnya.

Film yang dikategorikan sebagai film dewasa ini, menurutnya juga menampilkan adegan komedi yang akan membuat penonton tertawa. Tidak hanya itu, sejumlah adegan sadis pun turut ditampilkan. Mau nonton? Film ini akan tayang mulai 4 Februari 2010.