Buku Hamil

Buku Hamil
Buku Cara Cepat Hamil

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Penemuan Perahu Nabi Nuh

Perahu Nabi Nuh - Sekelompok peneliti gabungan dari China dan Turki menyatakan telah menemukan sebuah perahu bersejarah yang tertulis di dalam kitab suci 3 agama, yakni Islam, Kristiani, dan Yahudi. Perahu Nuh yang menjadi penyelamat 8 orang dan makhluk bumi lainnya itu ditemukan di sebuah daerah pegunungan di Turki bagian Timur.

Demikian ungkap salah satu tim peneliti yang tergabung dalam ‘Noah's Ark Ministries International' kepada media setempat, 26 April 2010 lalu.

"Kami belum yakin 100 persen bahwa ini benar perahu Nuh, tapi keyakinan kami sudah 99 persen," kata salah satu anggota tim yang bertugas membuat film dokumenter, Yeung Wing.

Sebagai bukti bahwa apa yang mereka katakan bukanlah hal yang mengada-ada, kelompok yang beranggotakan 15 orang tersebut menunjukkan spesimen fosil kapal yang diduga perahu Nuh, berupa tambang, paku, dan pecahan kayu kepada para wartawan yang meliput.

Mereka berharap penemuan besar ini mendorong pemerintah Turki mendaftarkan situs negara ke UNESCO. Para peneliti ingin lembaga internasional seperti PBB juga dapat ikut serta menjaga kelestarian perahu Nuh.

Sungguh besar pekerjaan Tuhan untuk menunjukkan bahwa Alkitab adalah iya dan amin. Dia memakai para peneliti zaman sekarang membuktikan bahwa apa yang terjadi ribuan tahun yang lalu adalah benar adanya. Jadi, buat apa kita tidak percaya dengan apa yang tertulis di dalam Alkitab jika sudah banyak hal didalam-Nya telah terbukti? Bahkan hal yang aneh jika masih ada orang yang mengganggap Alkitab adalah berisi dongeng-dongeng dan kata-kata bualan semata. Perlu dipertanyakan manusia yang memiliki pemikiran-pemikiran seperti ini.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tingkat Kelulusan UN SMA

Pengumuman Kelulusan SMA 2010 - Tingkat kelulusan Ujian Nasional (UN) siswa SMA dan MA pada 2010 secara nasional melorot 4 persen dibanding 2009, yakni dari 93,74 persen menjadi 89,88 %.

Pengumuman Kelulusan- "Angka kelulusan UN tingkat SMA/MA 2010 mengalami penurunan. Namun semua ada hikmahnya," kata Menteri Pendidikan Naasional Mohammad Nuh dalam jumpa pers terkait hasil UN tingkat nasional di Jakarta, kemarin.

Total peserta UN tingkat SMA/MA 2010 sebanyak 1.522.162 siswa. Dari jumlah itu 154.079 atau 10,12 persen siswa mengulang. Jumlah siswa yang tak mengulang 1.368.083 (89,88%).

"Angka 89,88 persen adalah kelulusan UN, bukan angka kelulusan siswa. Karena siswa juga bisa dinyatakan tak lulus sekolah, meski nilai UN-nya lulus, tapi akhlak dan budi pekertinya tidak baik," kata dia.

Menurut Nuh, meningkatnya angka ketidaklulusan salah satunya terjadi pengawasan UN kali ini lebih ketat. Sehingga siswa mengerjakan soal sesuai dengan kemampuan diri.

Selain itu, pemerintah daerah juga tidak memiliki target kelulusan tertentu, sehingga pelaksanaan UN berlangsung lebih jujur.

"Contohnya Pemda Gorontalo, angka ketidaklulusan atau mengulang UN-nya cukup tinggi mencapai 46,22% dibanding tahun lalu yang hanya sebesar 1%. Hal itu menunjukkan komitmen Pemda Gorontalo dalam menjalankan Pakta Kejujuran dan Integritas,"

Friday, April 23, 2010

Handphone Nokia

Entertainment News - Proving it's still at the cutting edge, Nokia has rushed out an Ash Cloud Tracker application, available free from the Ovi store for those who still care where the Icelandic bugbear is.

Nokia - While the application is no doubt of enormous value to the residents of Orkney and the Shetlands where restrictions are still in place, the rest of Europe has rather lost interest in the cloud since flights resumed and now the attention is on how quickly the airlines can get their planes and crew back into the right places.

But if you're really interested in tracking the cloud then you can get the app from the Ovi store by searching for "ash cloud".

Don't try "Eyjafjallajökull cloud", as that won't get you anywhere, except maybe impressing those nearby with your keyboard skills.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Nokia Handphone

Sony Ericsson has two new phones lined up for an autumn release; the Sony Ericsson Zylo and Sony Ericsson Spiro, both described as 'Walkman phones' with social networking features. The Zylo also offers the FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) format for music playback, promising high-quality audio.

Jenny Maltesson, Sony Ericsson's Marketing Business Manager, said "The Sony Ericsson range of Walkman phones has seen tremendous success since it was first launched in 2005 having sold more than 130 million handsets to date – and we are still seeing a great appetite from consumers. Today’s announcement aims to satisfy this demand by making the Walkman phone range available to a wider audience."

Nokia is also on the social networking trail with its announcement of the Nokia C3, Nokia C6 and Nokia E5. The C3 is a series 40 device with a QWERTY keyboard and a sub-£100 SIM-free price while the C6 and E5 are Symbian smartphones. The two C series devices are due in Q2, the E5 is expected in Q3.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Spring spelt pasta salad with ground elder pesto

300g spelt pasta
Ground elder pesto:

100g ground elder, top leaves only
1 small garlic clove, chopped
3 tbsp extra virgin rapeseed oil or olive oil
40g almonds
3 tbsp lemon juice
salt and freshly ground pepper

Resep - Ground elder (Aegopodium podagraria) is a member of the carrot family that generally grows in shady places. Also known as goutweed, goatweed and snow-in-the-mountain, it is said to have been introduced to Britain as a food plant by the Romans and then to Northern Europe by monks in the Middle Ages, who cultivated it as a healing herb. In spring, garden lovers spend a lot of time digging up the plants and disposing of them, but why not pick the top leaves in spring and use them in pestos or salads as you would spinach.

Pick the ground elder fresh in spring only, then rinse in cold water and drain in a colander. Place in a food processor with the other ingredients, except the salt and pepper, and blend to a smooth paste. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground pepper and perhaps more lemon juice.

Boil the spelt pasta in lightly salted water for 8-10 minutes until al dente. Drain in a colander and allow it to cool down. When cool, place in a mixing bowl, mix with the ground elder pesto and season again with salt and freshly ground pepper.

If you can't pick ground elder, then use parsley, rocket or dandelion leaves (but you can only use the dandelion in spring).
Smørrebrød with salmon tartare

The permutations of healthy rye bread topped with fresh ingredients are endless. Serving the salmon raw with horseradish is a great combination, providing lots of brain-boosting omega-3 fatty acids, protein and minerals. For this treatment it is essential that you have a good supplier to ensure the salmon is very fresh. Serves four

400g very fresh salmon fillet, skinned
2 cucumbers, halved and deseeded
2 tbsp grated fresh horseradish
juice of 1 lime
1 tsp white wine vinegar
6 tbsp chopped chervil, plus 4 sprigs to decorate
salt and freshly ground pepper
4 slices of rye bread
8 crisp lettuce leaves

Cut the salmon fillet into small squares and place in a bowl. Cut the cucumbers into cubes. Add to the salmon with the horseradish, lime juice, vinegar and chopped chervil. Mix well and season with salt and pepper.

Place a slice of bread on each plate, place two lettuce leaves on each slice of bread, then spoon the salmon salad on to the lettuce leaves. Sprinkle with pepper and top with a sprig of chervil.
Salted pollack with beetroot salad

Low in saturated fat, pollack is a good source of riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, magnesium and potassium, and a very good source of protein, vitamin B12, phosphorus and the antioxidant mineral selenium. It is also not being as over-fished as cod. Serves four.

400g skinless pollack fillets
2 tbsp Maldon sea salt or another flaky salt
1 tsp sugar
grated zest from ½ an unwaxed lemon
rye bread, to serve
Beetroot salad

400g beetroot
4 tbsp grated fresh horseradish
2 tbsp lime juice
200ml low-fat yogurt
salt and freshly ground pepper

Well ahead, place the fish in a big, deep oven tray with straight sides. Mix the salt, sugar and lemon zest, then spread this mixture on both sides of the fish fillets. Cover the dish and leave it in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

To make the beetroot salad, first boil the beetroot in salted water for 30 minutes. Take out of the water and rinse in cold water, then peel and cut into 2cm dice. Mix the beetroot dice with the horseradish, lime juice and yogurt. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

When the fish has marinated for 4 hours, lightly brush the salt mixture off the fish, then cut the fillets into very thin slices. Serve with the beetroot salad and the rye bread.

Friday, April 16, 2010


For the back story to this photograph have a look at Suppressing science, A victory for Simon Singh and BCA libels Simon Singh? For the article that upset the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) see Beware the Spinal Trap. Better still, have a look at the original article which is now back up on the Guardian web site.

Twitter erupted with messages of congratulations last night when news started coming through that the BCA had thrown in the towel. This has been a high profile case which has highlighted the danger of UK libel laws to science journalists and others. But as Hari’s T-shirt, and the story below from The Libel Reform campaign (BCA drop libel case against Simon Singh) show this isn’t over yet. There will be legal action to recover costs and the libel laws have to be changed:

The British Chiropractic Association has today dropped its libel case with science writer Simon Singh. This follows the Court of Appeal ruling on 1st April that Singh’s article on chiropractic was comment not fact.

Simon Singh has been fighting his case for two years and has spent more than 200,000 pounds. He will never recover all his costs. He said: “It still staggers me that the British Chiropractic Association and half the chiropractors in the UK were making unsubstantiated claims. It still baffles me that the BCA then dared to sue me for libel and put me through two years of hell before I was vindicated. And it still makes me angry that our libel laws not only tolerate but also encourage such ludicrous libel suits. English libel law is so intimidating, so expensive, so hostile to serious journalists that it has a chilling effect on all areas of debate, silencing scientists, journalists, bloggers, human rights activists and everyone else who dares to tackle serious matters of public interest. In the area of medicine alone, fear of libel means that good research is not always published because those with vested interests might sue, and bad research that should be withdrawn is not pulled because the authors might sue the journal, and in both cases it is the public that loses out because the truth is never exposed. My victory does not mean that our libel laws are okay, because I won despite the libel laws – we still have the most notoriously anti-free speech libel laws in the free world.”

Simon Singh:“The good news is that all three main parties this week committed to a libel reform bill in the next Parliament. But libel reform has to be radical. Cutting costs by a half means that a trial will not cost 1 million pounds but cost 500,000 pounds, but this is still extortionate. Costs need to be cut by a factor of 10 at least. Moreover the current libel law still means that libel tourists can sue in London on spurious grounds, big companies can still bully lone journalists, we still lack a robust public interest defence and we still have an unfair burden of proof on writers. It is important to remember that another libel case involving medicine continues – Dr Peter Wilmshurst is a consultant cardiologist who is being sued for libel for raising serious concerns about the data relating to a new heart device. If Dr Wilmshurst loses his case then he will be bankrupted. It is ridiculous that a respected researcher such as Dr Wilmshurst, someone who has devoted his life to medicine, should be put under such pressure just for speaking his mind. Our libel laws discourage doctors, scientists and journalists from speaking out. It is only when Peter has hopefully defended his libel case that I will be able to celebrate. It is only when English libel law has been reformed that I will be able enjoy today’s victory. Unless our libel laws change urgently and radically, I will not be the last journalist hauled through the libel courts and who will have to face financial disaster and two years of hell simply for raising an important and valid matter of public interest.”

Simon Singh:“One of the good things to come out of the last two years is that the chiropractic profession has been put under intense scrutiny. One in four chiropractors in the UK is now being investigated for making allegedly misleading claims, the Advertising Standards Authority has ruled against many chiropractic claims and the British Chiropractic Association has removed many claims from its website. None of this would have happened if I had backed down and the BCA has successfully silenced my article.”

Simon Singh:“The case is not quite over, because we still have to argue over costs. Having backed down and dropped the case, I expect the British Chiropractic Association to pay my legal bill of 200,000 pounds. I fully expect the BCA to argue that they should not pay all my costs, but I think it is the very least that they should do because this entire legal battle has been instigated by the BCA. I will never get back the two years that I have wasted on this case when I should have been writing a new book and I will never get back all the time I should have had with friends and family, which instead was replaced with continual stress, anxiety and ridiculously tedious legal documents. Fortunately the case has ended when my son Hari is only three weeks old, so I can now relax and enjoy being a father. My wife is a journalist and she been fully supportive throughout, and without her backing and the support of family, friends, scientists, bloggers and many others I suspect I would not have had the morale to keep fighting this case until the end.”

Monday, April 12, 2010

Susno Duadji

Susno Duadji - If there was ever an unlikely reformer, it is Susno Duadji, formerly the Indonesian National Police head of detectives, who was caught dead to rights by the country's anti-corruption agency for helping key officials ensnared in the notorious Bank Century scandal to flee the country. Susno was forced out of his position because of the scandal and was lucky he wasn't indicted. He remains in limbo in an unspecified capacity with the national police force.

But in the wake of his ouster, Susno has suddenly started blowing the whistle on his former associates. His revelations have caused an uproar in the entire national law enforcement establishment as he grants interviews to virtually every news organization that wants to listen.

What he is delivering has nothing to do with a sudden about turn in conscience. It appears to have more to do with injured pride and the machinations against President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's reform team by the Golkar Party, headed by coal tycoon Aburizal Bakrie.

In March, Susno raised a storm by accusing three police officials, then identified only by their rank and initials – which meant it wouldn't be hard to figure out who they were -- of taking bribes from a mid-ranking tax official named Gayus Tambunan to bury a criminal probe after he was discovered to have Rp28 billion (US$3.1 million) in his bank account. The case has since ensnared the Attorney General's Office, top officials of the National Police and the Tangerang District Court as well the Directorate General of Taxation and a number of companies.

Despite the revelations over Tambunan's bank accounts, the Tangerang District Court acquitted the tax official of embezzlement on March 12 and he promptly left Jakarta for Singapore with Susno sounding the alarm. Tambunan surrendered to police in Singapore. On Friday, the national police chief dismissed Police Brig. Gen. Edmond Ilyas, the former head of economic crimes, from his new job as Lampung Police Chief on information based on Susno's accusations. Brig. Gen. Radja Erisman, the current director of economic crimes, is also believed to have been implicated by Susno, partly because he unfroze Tambunan's bank accounts, which allowed him to flee. Ilyas and Erismana have filed criminal defamation complaints against Susno over his allegations, saying they were innocent of the charges.

Reportedly investigators have evidence that Ilyas received at least Rp1.1 billion from Tambunan and Andi Kosasih, a Batam businessman who was said to be "helpful in connecting entrepreneurs with officials, especially entrepreneurs who have difficulty in obtaining business licenses."

Two more police officials, Comdr. Arafat Enanie and Adj. Comr. Sri Sumartini, are also suspects after it turned out that they questioned Tambunan in the relaxed atmosphere of Jakarta hotels rather than at National Police headquarters during the earlier probe of the tax official. Enanie is said to have received a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, a Toyota Fortuner and a house from Tambunan, a police source said. "We already seized all of that as evidence, while Sumartini got Rp100 million in cash, which she used to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca." Arafat is also said to have received bribes from PT Mega Cipta Jaya Garmindo, a company that allegedly transferred funds into Gayus's accounts.

The Attorney General's Office is equally embarrassed over the way its prosecutors handled the case that ended with Tambunan's acquittal. Last week, Attorney General Hendarman Supandji was forced to stumble into a statement that they had not been bribed to dismiss the charges. Instead, he blamed "thoughtlessness," saying they were overloaded with big cases.

The falling police officials led Eliswan Azly, a columnist writing for Antara, the government-owned and operated news service, to write that Susno had shown "unprecedented courage in publicly disclosing case-brokering practices in the police force" and quoted officials recommending that he take up the post of Head of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK),which became vacant after the former anti-graft chief, Antasari Azhar, was convicted of arranging the murder of a rival for an attractive female golf caddy's affections.

Despite Antasari's conviction, the KPK is widely considered to be the most unbuyable public agency in Indonesia. It was Susno, during the Bank Century case, who did his best to wreck the agency, ordering the arrest of two KPK commissioners who had wiretap evidence that he had been advising corrupt officials at the bank and helping one of them to escape to Singapore.

Susno's candidacy is being pushed from behind the scenes by Golkar, which remains a component of the national ruling coalition headed by Yudhoyono. Despite its seeming loyalty to Yudhoyono, however, Golkar, at Bakrie's behest, spent months embroiled in a House of Representatives probe of Yudhoyono's two most important reformers, Vice President Boediono and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati over allegations of their complicity in the Bank Century affair. The government poured more than US$710 million into the effort to save the ailing bank during the 2008 global financial crisis. Yudhoyono managed to retain the two officials despite the investigation and pressure from Golkar.

The KPK is a particular bête noir of Susno's. The agency wiretapped Susno in connection to a graft case involving fugitive businessman Anggoro Widjojo, the director of a company called PT Mararo Radiokom, who allegedly bribed at least four lawmakers and several forestry ministry officials in connection with an Rp180 billion (US$12.7 million) radio communication system procurement project for the Forestry Ministry. Anggoro fled the country for Singapore.

Anti-corruption reportedly discovered that Susno had met with Anggoro in Singapore three days after the agency named had him a suspect in the bribery case.

Susno promptly ordered the two KPK officials arrested for allegedly abusing their powers. It was only after weeks of vacillation and rising public anger that Yudhoyono finally came down on the officials' side and Susno was pushed out.

Now Susno is pushing back. He has also said two police brigadier generals have been acting as case brokers in money laundering and tax evasion cases. Watch this space.

"Despicable slimeball as he is, Susno deserves all our support and encouragement for the time being," wrote a blogger who writes on the "Unspun" site. "This is because he is the guy who knows where all the skeletons are buried in the Police Force. And now that he's been done out of a career in the Police Force, sacrificed, as it were by fellow slimeballs and corrupt officers, he's now out for revenge by spilling the beans on his former comrades."

With reporting from Jakarta Globe

Friday, April 9, 2010

Pidato Presiden Sudan

Presiden Sudan Omar al-Bashir yakin pemilihan umum di negaranya akan berlangsung "bebas dan fair."

Dalam pidato kampanyenya, Bashir mengatakan pemilihan umum akan berlangsung bersih sebagaimana "sebuah tugas negara."

Untuk pertama kalinya pemilihan umum di Sudan diikuti oleh banyak partai sejak 1986, sekaligus menjadi negara demokratis terbesar di Afrika.

Namun sejumlah partai oposisi besar menolak ikut serta dalam pemilihan umum tersebut. Mereka akan memboikot karena menduga ada kecurangan.

Sementara itu, partai-partai oposisi kecil menyatakan akan mengikuti pemilihan umum di kawasan Utara. Sedangkan partai besar SPLM hanya ikut pemilihan umum di wilayah Selatan.

Proses pemilihan umum mendapatkan kritik keras dari kelompok hak asasi manusia internasional dan dalam negeri.

Koresponden BBC di James Copnall di Khartoum mengatakan, Bashir menolak kritikan tersebut serta menyingkirkan tuntutan kelompok oposisi yang menuntut pemilihan umum yang semula diselenggarakan Ahad diundur Selasa.

Selama berkampanye, presiden aktif mengumumkan proyek-proyek pembangunan baru di setiap kota yang dikunjungi. Demikian laporan koresponden BBC.

"Pemilihan umum akan berlangsung fair, bebas, bersih, dan bagus," kata Bashir dalam sebuah pertemuan di utara Sudan.

"Mereka akan berlaku bersih karena ini bagian dari tugas agama," jelasnya dalam pidato yang disiarkan televisi pemerintah.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tiger Woods Back

Vegetables Recipes - The flyover was timed to the second, the kind of precise operation the old boys at Augusta National Golf Club really might have appreciated under different circumstances.

A few moments after Tiger Woods hit his first competitive tee shot in more than five months, he was striding down the first fairway, applause all around from the largest gallery these eyes have seen at the Masters, when the little airplane came into view above the tree tops, churning into the wind and tugging a sign in its wake.


This was a flippant reference to Woods’ comments that one of the reasons for his many sexual “transgressions” is that he grew apart from Buddhism, the teachings he says used to keep him centred.

Whatever. Yes Tiger will remain the butt of jokes but, if nothing else, these 18 holes of golf he played yesterday answered two of the major questions hanging over his head. One, is he ready to play? And, two, “Does anybody care that Tiger has been revealed as a serial philanderer, as long as he’s playing golf?”

Yes, Tiger is ready. He shot 68, his lowest first round ever at the Masters.

“I expected to shoot something under par,” Woods said. “Guys were just tearing this place apart. Most of the tees were up. If you drove the ball well you could get some short irons in your hands.”

As for No. 2, from the moment Woods appeared on the first tee, with patrons lined 30-deep on each side of the fairway, there wasn’t a patch of open grass anywhere near one of his fairways. Humanity occupied every open space. They cheered and called his name, watching his every move.

“The reception was incredible all day,” Woods said. “From the putting green to the practice tee back to the first tee, just incredible. I was saying thank you all day. The people were just incredible.”

They went berserk when he eagled the par-five eighth but the moment that everyone will remember that says “Tiger is back” occurred one hole later.

With skies darkening and a tornado watch already in effect, Woods knocked his drive down the left side of the ninth fairway, totally blocking his vision of the green and the pin, 207 yards away. He needed to hit a big sweeping hook with his five-iron to even catch a piece of the green, let alone access the pin witch was back left.

He took a mighty swipe and then ran, bad knee, achilles and all, a-la Sergio Garcia, circa 1999, toward the fairway to get a look. So much for the calmer, less demonstrative Tiger. The ball hooked on command, bouncing up the green past the hole. It settled for a moment on the fringe then trickled back toward the pin, coming to rest 12 feet from the hole.

Of course he made the delicate downhill putt and the crowd made its own thunder. This was what everyone had been missing. This is why he is the most recognizable face in the world of sport. This is why he’s sport’s first billionaire (at least temporarily). This is why all these people came: The man does things on a golf course nobody else can do.

Nobody is going to forget the stunning revelations of the past five months. Some will not forgive but most believe it’s none of our business. Still, Woods has been stained, perhaps for life.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Daftar Cedera ‎

KENYATAAN pahit harus dihadapi Arsenal. Menghadapi laga penentuan melawan Barcelona, klub berjuluk The Gunners ini dipastikan kehilangan satu pilarnya lagi. Daftar pemain Arsenal yang harus masuk ruang perawatan bertambah seiring masuknya nama Alex Song.

Bek yang sejatinya diplot mengisi posisi yang ditinggalkan William Gallas ini dipastikan absen pada leg kedua perempatfinal Liga Champions karena mengalami cedera otot pangkal paha. Cedera itu menimpanya ketika pemain Timnas Kamaerun tersebut tampil menghadapi Wolverhamton Wanderers pada lanjutan English Premier League (EPL), akhir pekan lalu.

"Sebuah kejutan yang tidak mengenakkan bagi kami. Dia menjalani pemindaian kemarin sore pada lututnya dan diketahui ada pembengkakan cartilage," jelas manajer Arsene Wenger dikutip Sky Sports.

Kabar tak mengenakkan itu menjadi pukulan telak bagi Wenger. Sebelumnya, Arsenal sudah kehilangan Gallas, Cesc Fabregas dan Andrei Arshavin. Adapun Robin Van Persie juga belum menunjukkan tanda-tanda bisa bermain dalam waktu dekat.

"Kami masih harus menunggu dan melihat seberapa serius cederanya, tapi bisa dipastikan dia absen untuk laga besok (dini hari WIB nanti)," pungkas Wenger. roq

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tekad Iran Lebih Bulat‎

Presiden Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad mengatakan, ancaman sanksi terhadap Iran karena program nuklir Iran hanya akan membuat Iran lebih bertekad bulat untuk mengusahakan program nuklirnya.

Ahmadinejad mengatakan tekanan internasional terhadap Iran tidak dapat menghentikan kemajuan Republik Islam itu dan justru memotivasi rakyatnya. Ia mengeluarkan komentar tadi dalam pidato lewat televisi dari kota Sirjan, Iran Selatan.

Sebelumnya, Presiden Amerika Barack Obama menyerukan kepada para anggota Dewan Keamanan PBB agar menyetujui rangkaian keempat sanksi terhadap Iran karena kegiatan nuklir negara itu.

Presiden Ahamdinejad juga mengatakan Presiden Obama telah gagal mendesakkan perubahan nyata apapun dalam kebijakan Amerika terhadap Iran, meskipun Obama berjanji akan meningkatkan keterlibatan Iran dalam perundingan.

Amerika dan sekutu-sekutunya mencurigai Iran sedang berusaha mengolah uranium untuk mengembangkan senjata nuklir, namun Iran telah menyangkal tuduhan tersebut.