Buku Hamil

Buku Hamil
Buku Cara Cepat Hamil

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Cowboys in Paradise

Cowboys in Paradise - Bali Police formed a special team to investigate the case of documentary Cowboys in Paradise, Friday (30 / 4). This team is a combination of the Directorate officers Reskrim Bali Police cyber crime and a team of Police Headquarters.

In addition to examining relevant witnesses filmmaking that tells about the life of the gigolo in Bali, the special team will also collect evidence, especially the film footage that has been circulating on the Internet. Besides the three players the Cowboys have been checking in Paradise, police will also call some other players in the film.

After three kids beach called a gigolo, Suardana Ketut, a resident of Ubud, Bali, who became speaker in the film also feels trapped. Ketut said two years ago Virmani interviewed himself with the topic of HIV / AIDS, not about a gigolo. In an interview with twitchfilm.net site, Virmani reveal the cowboy Balinese are very open to tell their life as a gigolo.

Ketut Suardana also suspect, director copied the idea of a writer named Mark Ulyseas, who once wrote an article called Kuta Cowboys, in a local magazine in Bali.

After examination of witnesses, police plan to call the director Amit Virani for examination. Related to this calling, police will coordinate with the Police Headquarters Criminal Investigation Body. Earlier, the police declared illegal because the Cowboys in Paradise violates the Film Law. Film director is also deemed to have violated the Immigration Act because it comes to Bali with tourist visas, not to make a movie

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