Buku Hamil

Buku Hamil
Buku Cara Cepat Hamil

Friday, November 19, 2010

Wedding Zaskia-Irwansyah

Couples wedding reception with the artist Zaskia Sungkar Irwansyah in March 2011 will use the traditional Minang.
This was disclosed Zaskia mother, Fanny Bauty when contacted via phone on Tuesday (16/11).

"The plan at a hotel in Jakarta, because a lot of family in Jakarta. Minang traditional clothes, traditional but not really. There are modern," he explained.

According to his daughter's wedding Fanny has long been planned, especially Zaskia had been targeted for the married young.

"If Zaskia indeed he already had a target of the first 'age of 20 years, I just want to get married'. She want to get married really young, she wanted to at least age 20 the maximum age of 23," he explained.

Not as usual, this celebrity marriage couples are not using the wedding organizer (WO) for all looked after by family.

"Should people want to get married. But we do not use WO so, the family only. So the same mutual help prepare the family for too many families," he said.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Residents Rutan Bangil

The residents of State Prison (Rutan) Bangil, Pasuruan, East Java, on Thursday (28/10), perform a flag ceremony commemorate Youth Pledge Day.

Head Bangil Rutan, Kadiyono said Youth Pledge Day flag ceremony conducted starting from officers, and members are all the occupants of Rutan Bangil, both narapida (Prisoner) as well as prisoners.

Number of participants approximately 150 people, of the total inhabitants of Rutan Bangil which has now reached 466 people. The participants attended a flag ceremony by using a variety of traditional dress from different regions.

Kadiyono explained, the ceremonial flag warning for the occupants of the Youth Pledge Day Bangil Rutan as a nation and state implentasi knowledge gained in the Rutan in theory.

"Ceremony of Youth Oath Day commemoration flag can be referred to as the practice of nation and state," he explains.

In addition, continued Kadiyono, flag ceremony to commemorate Youth Pledge Day is also to establish the unity and integrity, so that the lives of the residents in Bangil Rutan became more harmonious.

"I am thrilled to see the occupants of Rutan Bangil can perform a flag ceremony with a good Youth Pledge Day," said Kadiyono.

Ali Yuliono, officials Youth Pledge text reader can proudly claim to do their job properly. He has long claimed to have never followed the ceremony about 13 years passed after graduating from school.

He is now inhabited by Rutan Bangil saebagai status prisoners, because of traffic accident cases.

The same thing also disclosed Khairul Saleh who became commander of the ceremony. Rutan inhabiting Khoirul Bangil because cases admitted selling pornographic VCDs proud to be commander during the ceremony which was not penah of applying.

Previously, to commemorate Youth Pledge Day is the occupants of Bangil Rutan has also implemented berbagail race, including race pronunciation text of Pancasila, and Catur Dharma Prisoners.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Nokia Starts transshipped Mobile C7

Nokia started to market smartphones that focus on social networking applications, C7. This phone uses the latest Symbian platform."Nokia C7 is our second smartphone based on the new version of Symbian to attack the market, said Jo Harlow, head of Nokia smartphones. "This phone is designed for consumers who love the latest trend. C7 provide social networking capabilities that mengagumkan.Ã ¢ â, ¬ Â

C7 equipped with 3.5-inch AMOLED touch screen that can provide direct access to your Twitter and Facebook.

The phone also uses one-touch access to open emails, applications, games and services from Ovi store.

Previously, Nokia has launched its smartphone N8 entertainment that shipped in late September.

N8 use Symbian, 12 MP camera, video camera high definition, video editing capabilities as well as streaming video content.

Nokia announced the existence of C7 months ago at Nokia World conference, along with E7 and C6.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Privatization Garuda

Garuda Indonesia Airlines (Persero) plans to conduct an initial public offering (initial public offering / IPO) in late January 2011. "IPO is still the process," said Director General Garuda Satar at a news reporters after the opening of Garuda Indonesia Travel Fair 2010 in Jakarta Convention Center Building, Friday (8 / 10).

The target of this IPO, according to the Emir, retreated about 5 weeks from the original plan in December 2010. "It'll be great preparation," he said. Thus the roadshow schedule offering shares to potential investors will also be menyesuaiakan. It is estimated that in early January.

Meanwhile, VP Corporate Communications Garuda Indonesia Pujobroto said the IPO will use the results of audits of financial statements in September 2010. Financial audit to be completed by the third week of October. "Then will roadshow to Europe and the United States. The time is about 1 to 2 weeks," he said.

Garuda have not confirmed the number of shares to be released. "How many shares will be released to the public still do not know because it depends on the share price later," said Pujobroto.

In accordance with the provisions, he said, shares to be privatized should be no more than 40 percent. And the incoming fund target by $ 300 million for the development of Garuda in the future.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Taman Balekambang ‎

REKREASI menjadi bagian penting untuk menjaga fisik dan jiwa agar terhindar dari stres dan penat akibat rutinitas sehari-hari. Rekreasi tak selalu butuh dana besar. Dengan biaya murah Anda pun bisa berekreasi di Taman Balekambang, Solo, misalnya.

Pilihan wisata murah berkualitas tidaklah banyak. Karena itu, Anda harus pintar mencarinya terlebih bila yang dicari adalah objek wisata yang cocok bagi seluruh anggota keluarga. Taman merupakan salah satu objek wisata yang bisa dijadikan pilihan.

Alasannya, ruang terbuka memberi kesempatan bagi anak-anak untuk lebih leluasa bermain di alam. Apalagi kalau taman tersebut dilengkapi arena bermain anak dan berbagai jenis satwa atau botanical garden. Alhasil, orangtua refreshing, anak-anak bisa belajar tentang lingkungan, sementara kantong tidak jebol.

Konsep wisata murah meriah, tapi multimanfaat inilah yang saat ini dikembangkan Pemkot Solo di Taman Balekambang. Tempat ini dulunya merupakan taman keluarga raja Mangkunegaran. Namun sempat terbengkalai beberapa tahun, akhirnya pemkot memutuskan untuk memolesnya menjadi taman kota.

Taman Balekambang memiliki ratusan jenis tanaman langka. Beberapa tanaman usianya sudah mencapai ratusan tahun sehingga sangat rindang. Suara kicau burung liar terdengar saling bersahutan di pepohonan yang besar. Sementara hijaunya rerumputan menjadi makanan sehari-hari sejumlah rusa yang dilepas bebas. Tak heran, pengunjung bisa memberinya makan atau sekadar menyentuhnya.

Di taman ini juga ada dua kolam yang masing-masing terdapat patung perempuan di tengahnya, yakni Partini dan Partinah. Satu kolam berukuran besar dan satunya lagi berukuran kecil. Para pengunjung bisa duduk santai di tepiannya sembari memberi makan ikan-ikan yang jenisnya beraneka ragam.

Menyusuri taman melalui jalan setapak yang ditata rapi, pengunjung dapat menikmati kesejukan layaknya yang dirasakan keluarga Kadipaten Pura Mangkunegaran pada zaman dahulu. Kursi-kursi bernuansa etnik diberbagai sudut taman siap menjadi tempat beristirahat setelah kaki lelah melangkah.

Taman Balekambang telah menjelma sebagai lokasi tujuan wisata baru di Solo, meski proses penataan baru rampung sekitar 40 persen. Tiap hari puluhan muda-mudi bercengkerama menghabiskan sebagian waktunya di sana. Tak sedikit pula keluarga besar yang datang rombongan sekadar duduk-duduk di taman.

Keluarga Tarigan Sembiring, salah satunya. Perempuan berusia 60-an tahun itu datang bersama sanak keluarganya yang berjumlah tujuh orang. Warga Siantar, Simalungun, Sumatera Utara, itu baru pertama kali mengunjungi Taman Balekambang. Di tempat itu mereka menghabiskan waktu untuk bersantai di atas tikar yang dibawanya.

“Kebetulan ada anak saya yang pindah ke Mojosongo, Solo. Ini hari keempat saya berada di sini,” ujar Tarigan.

Meski baru pertama kali, kesejukan taman memberi kesan tersendiri baginya. Salah seorang putranya bahkan sampai ketiduran di bawah rerindangan pohon.

“Tempatnya enak. Sejuk, banyak pohon dan tidak ada aroma yang tak enak. Jadi kami betah di sini,” katanya sembari menunggui cucunya yang sedang asyik bermain.

Bagi Tarigan, berwisata ke taman bukan aktivitas yang baru. Sebab, di daerah tempat tinggalnya juga terdapat taman serupa bernama Taman Bunga.

“Di sana juga ada yang seperti ini. Orang kalau mau masuk pada hari biasa gratis, tapi kalau pas ada acara tertentu pakai tiket,” ceritanya.

Sementara itu, Veronica, 15, warga Mojosongo, mengaku beberapa kali mengunjungi Balekambang. Tidak hanya ketika sendiri maupun bersama teman, tapi taman itu telah menjadi salah satu tujuan wisata favorit keluarganya.

“Kalau liburan, keluarga sering ke sini,” sebutnya.

Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kota Solo Purnomo Subagyo menuturkan, pemkot masih berupaya melakukan penambahan koleksi tumbuhan dan satwa. Penambahan satwa sejauh ini masih terkendala status Balekambang yang belum termasuk tempat konservasi. Karena itu, binatang yang ditambahkan selama ini lebih bersifat satwa yang tidak dilindungi, seperti merpati dan angsa.

Selain menyajikan kesejukan, tempat itu juga memiliki sarana untuk menggelar seni pertunjukan, baik indoor maupun outdoor. Masyarakat bisa mengakses fasilitas- fasilitas tersebut.

Taman itu tak hanya membuat jatuh hati masyarakat biasa. Musikus Iwan Fals pun dibuatnya kepincut. Dia bahkan sempat berpikir untuk bisa menggelar pentas di tempat itu. Namun, tidak diperbolehkan Wali Kota Solo Joko Widodo karena khawatir akan merusak taman.

“Luar biasa, di tengah kota masih ada taman seperti ini,” kata Iwan ketika mengunjungi tempat itu beberapa waktu lalu.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

AFF Suzuki Cup in Hanoi

A workshop for participating teams AFF Suzuki Cup Football Tournament 2010 held by the Vietnam Football Federation (VFF) in its new headquarters near My Dinh National Stadium Hanoi, Vietnam, Tuesday (14 / 9).

As quoted by Antara on Tuesday, the workshop was also attended by representatives of Indonesia Joko Driyono is to provide a better understanding and more clear about their obligations as the host tournaments and more specifically to the marketing partner of World Sport Group (WSG) as the holder the right sponsor .

Joko Driyono participate in the workshop in his capacity as Chairman of the Local Committee (LOC) AFF Cup in Indonesia. The workshop also specifically directed to Laos Football Federation to host the qualifying rounds and for Vietnam-Indonesia, which will act as tournament host.

As quoted from the official website of AFF, Tuesday, all the representatives gain a clearer understanding about the tournament was conducted before the AFF Suzuki Cup group draw in 2010 which will be held at Hotel Sheraton Hanoi on Wednesday.

In the workshop also outlined on the rights of the sponsor WSG and obligations that must be obeyed by a host of restrictions that can be done by the host about the search for additional sponsors.

Similarly, host obligation to appoint a team of media officers and security personnel as part of the management committee can ensure that the working relationship between the committee, WSG and harmonious AFF.

While the prize money for the biennial championship was fixed at 100 000 U.S. dollars for the champion, $ 50,000 for the runner-up and each of the losing semifinalists get $ 15,000 U.S..

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tourism in Kampung Homestay Program

Hotel Conrad - Sound bersahutan birds sing. Gurgling river that flows irregularly rhythmic. Fresh morning air. Alami.Suasana really felt that in Kampung Pelegong, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. Pelegong is one among hundreds of villagers who fall into the latter homestay tourism program encouraged the Malaysian government. In the village, tourists can feel the aura of "past" in the countryside like the atmosphere in the region Kaliadem, Kaliurang, or in Trawas, Pasuruan.

Kampong Pelegong actually not far from Kuala Lumpur. About two hours' drive inland. In fact, the travel time from the village to the KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport) about 30 minutes. That's where the uniqueness of the homestay village. Not far from the hustle of the city, but still very close to the gurgling of water in the forest. At night, the sound of crickets combined with sound passing car in the distance.

Villages inhabited by around 400 people from 100 families are indeed on the side of the highway. To go to the village, visitors will pass through a tunnel on it is a toll road in Kuala Lumpur-KLIA.

Wooden houses of the Malays or Minangkabau architecture still visible in the village. The houses were a kingdom with the help of the size of three chambers or three bedrooms. In such houses that accommodated the tourists during a vacation.

"Of the 100 houses here, 25 houses ready to become a homestay. Of course the proper facilities in accordance with laisen (license) from the Tourism Malaysia," explained Mardliyah, Pelegong Homestay coordinator.

Once inside the village, the travelers will be greeted by a kind of tambourine music. Afterwards, guests brought to the Kingdom Hall Pelegong (such as the village hall in Indonesia, Red) to get an explanation about the homestay program. At that time also the program manager will distribute his guest into people's homes and with foster parents were introduced during the Pelegong.

Hospitality and warm welcome the guests will feel once you enter become part of the local population. Since then, tourists live new lives as citizens Pelegong. Besides can enjoy the rural atmosphere, tourists will feel things are natural and typical villages.

For example, in terms of food. The host will serve food menu "traditional" ve vegetables such as rice, potatoes Balado anchovies, rendang and fried fish. Eating event was done with the host family. Thus, no wonder if the quick intimacy exist between the owners and guest houses. Because, at the dinner table will be interwoven dialogue and communication intensive.

On the first day of the program, many foreign visitors will be invited to tour around Kampong Pelegong. The most fun is when taken along a small river which divides the village. "Actually, in our place much like this. Only, the Malaysian tourism commodities so smart packaging," said Josephine Suharto, homestay participants from Surabaya.

Throughout the two-mile wet at times, participants and then invited to feel the exoticism of nature along the stream. Therefore, many trees across the times and the back and decorate julur roots river edges. Young participants, Nizar and Kiki, from Jakarta was thrilled when trying to become Tarzan and Jane.

When the tour ended at the venues ahead of Tebrau, there was a "surprise" given the guide. One by one participant had streaks of mud on their faces. Only, who used white mud which is believed to smooth the skin. "Wah, so young anymore to me," joked Edwin Ismedi Himna, chairman of Asita Jogja.

Mud in the face of it can not be removed to dry before reaching the venues Tebrau who lives about 200 yards away. Recently, after arriving at the rapids, the streaks of mud that had dried on his face washed by the clear river water. "This is a gratuitous mud spa (it's free). Unlike the mud spa in KL (Kuala Lumpur) are expensive," Nor said Erma, one of the hosts railing river.

According to him, unfortunately it does not rain for days. Because, when it rains, water discharge will increase. "If it rains, water will slightly increase up to the knee. It was then usually the leeches will come out so that the gentlemen and ladies and girls can feel the bites of leeches," added Erma seriously.

"Yes, the tourists from Europe is like being bitten by leeches in here. If the people of Indonesia, may not be strange. Therefore, we are still allied and similar natural conditions. But, for Europeans, it might be a thrill in itself. The evidence, they loved to gnaw leeches, "said Erma accent"-Upin Ipin ".

After lunch at their homes, participants receive a rest pause until around 14:30. Participants then are invited to make woven from rattan and cook the fish in the rivers. Afternoon activities ended with a sport "bowling" utilizing tin cans as pins and dried coconut as the ball.

At night, participants gathered at the Great Hall to attend the cultural night of traditional marriage ceremony. Which became "bridal" is a homestay participants. They were dressed in the style of the bridal Malaysia, then ditandu and paraded toward the aisle. The event was livened attraction sparks from burning coconut husk is screened and round into an interesting spectacle. Everything was natural and full of simplicity.

Model of rural tourism in Malaysia is apparently pioneered since 1996. Tourism program is actually also been developed in Jogjakarta with his tourist village. The difference, in Malaysia fully supported the ministry of tourism, while Indonesia is less. Promotion, facilities, and resource development in Malaysia homestay program support provided on an ongoing basis.

According to Deputy Minister Datuk Dr James Dawos wayfaring Mamit, Malaysia is now strives to develop a more tourist-oriented economy held up well to recognize the natural life throughout Malaysia. That was done to achieve the target 38 million tourists until 2020.

In that context, Dawos outlines four areas that dealt with the Malaysian Ministry of wayfaring interests and specializes in the existing market. "For the tourists from Japan, we developed a lifestyle attractions. Of Korea, we developed a tour to learn English. Indonesia with shopping, medication, and homestay and student exchange," explained the officer who liked the songs ST12 and Letto it when receiving entourage homestay participants from Indonesia.

According to him, tourism homestay received from the citizens of Indonesia, especially if combined with other activities. For example, a homestay with a golf club or a homestay with medication. He submits data, there are already 675 tourists from Indonesia who follow the newly promoted homestay program for Indonesia starting this year. "Also, there is a pivot 2300," he asserted.

So, charm Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur Central City (KLCC) may remain a trade mark for Malaysian tourism. But, it is believed to rely on the Twin Towers would be less able to boost tourist arrivals to the target 38 million tourists.

Moreover, currently getting a lot of other countries to build a tower with a charm that exceed the Petronas Towers. Therefore, Malaysia is now targeting the traveler who likes the rural atmosphere, complete with spa mud and bite lintahnya.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Figuring the best-selling

SINCE the beginning of Ramadan a number of Internet cafe raided Sanggau visitors. Most of the cafes visited the school-age children. Some of them fill vacation time plus waiting time to break the fast.

"Entering this fasting month average of visitors are children and adolescents," said Rudi, Kelurahan cafe owners in the area Bunut.

According to him, mostly Counter which is the kids usually play games. "They usually play games point blank. Common to two and even three hours while waiting for the time berbukam, "he explained.

While at teenagers, according to Rudi, they usually browse and open a social networking site. There was even a play poker. "For teens and adults usually comes to browsing facebook. There was even a poker game for hours, 'he said.

Expresses, entered the cafe Ramadan did increase the number of visitors compared to regular days. Because it is not surprising cafe that is open 24 hours is rarely empty.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Still Yamaha Bison

Sepeda Motor Bebek Injeksi - The tournament was followed by four countries including: Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam, and Thailand. As host, Indonesia involve two teams. Pun with Vietnam, as the winner at the previous tournament (2008). While Thailand and Malaysia was represented by one team. Entire teams will be divided into two groups, A and B.

Sepeda Motor - Responding to this tournament, Coach Garuda 1, Bambang Murdijatno said, though blind power of the opponent, but is optimistic his team can lift a trophy at this annual event. "I believe can bring this team to be champions," said Bambang, after the news conference, the opening of the Yamaha Asean Cup U-13, in Jakarta, Thursday (29 / 7).

"We've made preparations for 30 days. In addition to technical training, physical, and stamina, the team also conducted tests Garuda duel with opponents ranging from the equivalent to the weight. That means we've been doing serious preparations to face this tournament, "said Bambang.

Bambang explained further, team Garuda Garuda 1 and 2, were recruited through a rigorous screening. We did a competition that followed School Football (the SSB) in 12 cities in the homeland: Makassar, Bali, Jakarta, South Sumatra, West Sumatra, North Sumatra, Jambi, West Java, Surabaya, Banten, Lampung, and Bekasi.

"There are about 60 SSB in the competition. From that competition, filtered according to the players that we have talent. After that, broken down into Garuda Garuda 1 and 2. However, the best team in the Garuda 2, "Bambang added.

"Filtering by talent scouts, from May 15 until July 15. Technique, height, and the stamina to refine our assessment benchmarks players on this team, "concluded the former coach Bambang SSB Pelita Jaya.

The composition of Players:
Garuda 1 Team
Kartika Kusuma Putra; Panca Ambirato, Kurniawan Dwi Masruli, Yuda Destiana, Mulladi Mustari, Rustan Imam Ghazali, Ahmad Fitroh, Yoppy Muslim Brotherhood, Adnan Faturahman, Fauzan, Anggara Ridho Son, Tough Baskoro Cahyono, Danny Saputra Usman, Nico, Joseph Dwi Yansyah , Aji Sutiadi, Ganu Hersandi Muhammad, Mohammad Iksan Ramadhani.
Coach: Bambang Murdijatno

Garuda Team 2
Andi Prayogi; Son Deto, Ahmad Abdul Hotip, Maulana Muhammad Wijaya, Muhammad Alfian, Bayu Sulistiawan, Muh. Nur Ihksan, Billy Fuligensius Paoji Keraf, Renaldi Wahyo Son, Aminudin Fatah Arif, Muhammad Mulyarman, Danutiar Yulianto, Luky Zulfa Pratama, Mohammed Sadam, Dani H. Darwin, Rianto, Gede Oki H, Ramadan Dwi C.
Coach: Rohmat, Nur Abdullah.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Berita Foto Bugil Sandra Dewi

Foto Bugil Sandra Dewi - Actress well-announcer, Sandra Dewi increasingly busy in their activities. Besides mengici music events in the morning, now she was confronted with the latest soap opera.

Sandra Dewi latest soap opera entitled 'Heaven and Earth' is running from today (6 / 7) in a private television station. With the increase in his new activity, torn when Sandra was almost exhausted. Because of the need to spend time at the shooting location. However, it Thionghoa blooded woman never complained one bit about it.

For him, if he continues to still work it means Sandra is still in a lot of people notice. "Who does not want to be noticed a lot of people," he said at the MD office Entertaiment, Tanah Abang III, Monday (5 / 7) evening.

Not only that, the woman born in Louth, August 8, 1983 it also had little time for his personal problems. Lucky, a woman who is now undergoing a special relationship with this businessman admitted if the lover had never complained about his work, which was time consuming. "If ya want to meet me her location. But so far he had never come, he said embarrassed," he said.

It's really not the first time Sandra play in a soap opera that time very time-consuming workmanship. Soared after a successful play himself in soap opera entitled 'Beautiful Love'. "But what makes the difference is that I also had to get up early to fill out an event. So the rest is only two hours and then shooting again," he said.

Then how about the family? Women who have a long name Monica Nicholle Sandra Dewi Gunawan Basri said that if his family was very supportive of what the decision himself. Understandably, Sandra can be said as the backbone of the family.

"They only reminded that eating and drinking do not forget vitamins and pray to God. Because that's what can make me stronger," explained the player's Quickie Express film.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Prediksi Gurita Paul Lagi Trend

Prediksi Gurita Paul - Octopus named Paul is known for their ability to predict meramalnya become world champion Spain defeated the Netherlands on July 11, 2010 game later. Paul also predicted Germany would be defeated Uruguay fight over third place.

As has been done ahead of Gurita Paul every German, the octopus was given the option of two food located in two different boxes. Box and the food was the same, unless the flag is mounted on the wall of the aquarium. And for the box and the Spanish Netherlands, the BBC reported on Friday, July 9, 2010, Paul chose a box of food which is located in the Spanish flag.

This experiment was first carried out for the match not involving the German national team. Paul became a celebrity world for its success in predicting all the games involving the German national team properly.

100 percent correct predictions, including when the octopus who lives at the Sea Life Aquarium in Oberhausen, in the western German city, predicts Serbia defeated Germany in the group stage. In fact, he also correctly predicted the defeat of Germany from Spain on Wednesday.

After the defeat, came the call in Germany to cook Paul. But the owner said, Paul is safe with them.

"If Paul is later, not anything that will happen to him," said Tanja Munzig, manager of Sea Life Aquarium.

Despite all the predictions for 2010 was perfect, Paul is predicting 30 percent of Germany in European Cup matches in 2008. So, now it's up to you, believe it or not.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Prediksi Swiss Vs Honduras Story

Prediksi Swiss Vs Honduras - Ellis Park Stadium to witness the many surprises that happen in South Africa 2010 World Cup. Thursday, June 24 evening, outside the defending champion Italy over alleged submission Slovakia.
With only two points results incised twice a draw against Paraguay and New Zealand, World Cup champion in 2006 Germany had to return home early.

Swiss Vs Honduras - Italy even become a key group F by two points just nicks. As for Slovakia, this victory to record their own history. Because, this is the first time it joined FIFA ranking 34th in the World Cup. And, immediately escaped to the round of 16 large.

Although surprising, nicks broken state of Czechoslovakia is not luck. Because, in the European zone qualifying group three, the child care Vladimir Weiss of South Africa advanced to the championship status of the group.

Last night, three goals from Pirlo et al repatriate R Vittek printed at minute 25 and 73 ', as well as K-89 Kapunek minute. While the Italians need only a draw at the same time as Paraguay and New Zealand also drew 0-0, scored twice through the leg Antonio D replies Natale in the 81st minute, and through Quagliarella in the 90th minute.

With this result, Slovakia is likely to meet the new Dutch melakoni three group E match early this morning and most likely to be group winners. While Paraguay as Group F winners with five points, waiting for the runner-up Group E which contested the Japanese and Danish.

In general, Slovakia vs. Italy match lasted a little boring at the beginning of the game. Expected to rise in all three matches, Italy was not the defending champion Like a game show.

They had scored a goal in the early matches Iaquinta through the foot but the referee disallowed because standing in a position ofside. After this moment, Slovakia took over the game. And in the 25th minute, starting from the mistakes of the Italian defender in front of the box gives operand 16, R Vittek able menceploskan ball into the Italian goal.

0-1 score lasted until halftime. Entering the second half, coach Lippi enter Pirlo. It's just that, Pirlo who was forced to play despite the injury is still entangled, unable to do much. Instead, Slovakia is able to double victory in the 73rd minute. Again and again over Vittek.

The spirit of the Italian players had time to get up when the D Natale managed to reduce the lag in the 81st minute. It's just fun attacking, Italian re-pierced in the 89th minute through sontekan
K Kappunek who received the throw in in front of goal.

Despite missing two goals, Italy has not surrendered. Asa when they re-emerged Quagliarella managed to miss out on 90 minutes'.

At that time, Paraguay match against New Zealand has ended temporarily in Italy-Slovakia game was still there four minutes of extra time. This means that if successful equalizer, Italy could pitch as the runner up. It's just that, Slovakia had the upper hand gain time by selecting substitutions in the period of injury time.

Italy had memeroleh golden opportunity in the last minute. Unfortunately, hard kick up Cellini which help assault is still widening.
Up to referee Howard Webb blew his whistle British, score remained 3-2 to Slovakia, while ensuring the defending champion had to go home early village.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Prediksi Portugal VS Korea Utara Cerita Kita

Prediksi Portugal VS Korea Utara - When clashed Portugal vs North Korea (Korea) at the 1966 World Cup quarter-final place, Eusebio play. In fact, the Portuguese football legend appeared as the hero, scoring quat-trick (four goals) to the goalpost North Korea.

Portugal VS Korea Utara - Eusebio remember very well how tight the battle ended with a 5-3 victory is Portugal. "That's been going on for a very long time, but for me is a beautiful memory," said Eusebio, as reported by AFP.

Eusebio remember it because the game's bonding, Portugal almost been cleared. Until the 25th minute, Portugal already lagging three goals. However, they finally got up and catch up thanks to goals from Eusebio.

Well, at the World Cup in 2010, he belief similar conditions would not occur. Portugal would appear dominant. Because, the squad is now North Korea is not as tough as the World Cup squad in 1966. Therefore, he dared to predict Portugal would win.

"I believe it will happen and we will win. I hope that Portugal can score goals quickly. But, if later only win 1-0, I thought it was good. The important thing is that we must win and get three points," said Eusebio.

According to him, to snatch victory, Portugal must play more aggressively than in the first game of the series when they were held without a goal by Ivory Coast. He also hoped, Cristiano Ronaldo able to inspire his colleagues.

"The players must commit 100 percent of Portugal to face a team like North Korea. They have to provide proof that they are not a weak team. In fact, they are able to make Brazil the difficulty in the first game," continued the 1968 European Footballer of it.

"We should have more determination, faster moving, and not for too long the ball. Our defense should also be well maintained. And more importantly, there must be a player who can inspire," he said.

Apart from all things, Eusebio really hope the juniors can record such a beautiful memory of old times had he noted. "I think all players have special moments in his career. For me, scoring four goals was the best moment," explained Eusebio.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Yuk Nonton TV Lewat Internet

Download Apk - Online media and mobile phones will become a new alternative to consumers in Indonesia to attend World Cup matches in 2010.The main media of television and still used as much as 77% korenden selected. However, globally, the television is not the only media, because as much as 62% will follow the World Cup through the newspaper.

Said Managing Director of Nielsen Audience Measurement, Nielsen Irawati Pratignyo in Office, Thursday (10/06/2010).

According to him, as much as 31% plan to watch via streaming, 45% will read the articles online and 32% will read through blogs and online forums.

Meanwhile, for mobile phones, with ever-rising penetration, made possible as much as 34% will follow this great game through the Internet on their mobile phones.

"Meanwhile, those who download the application associated with the World Cup on their mobile phones only 13% only," he said.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Cynthiara Alona Artis Bugil Panas

Cynthiara Alona model photos, Saturday (06/05/2010) afternoon, go to the Police Service Center (DSS) Polda Metro Jaya. Cynthia came up with using a Toyota Alphard B 7 CCA at around 15:30.

He also came with an attorney Sunan Kalijaga. With a tight red shirt, Cynthia smile to a number of journalists who have been waiting since noon.

Cynthia's arrival to the DSS to report a problem with the heat of the photographs that appear in cyberspace some time ago.

Photo models and movie stars, Cynthiara Alona, finally reported the former manager, Bobby, to the Police Service Center (DSS) Polda Metro Jaya, because thought to have disseminated the photographs to the internet network syurnya

This is for the second time Bobby Cynthiara reported. First in October 2008. But others were never found, even spread even more awesome Bobby anymore photographs Cynthiara absorbing it. According Cynthiara, the former manager had done so far.

Cynthiara who came to the Polda Metro Jaya didamping legal counsel, using a white Alphard car at around 15:22 pm 00. Without giving information to reporters, Cynthiara straight into the DSS.

However, several minutes later Cynthiara exit from the DSS with its legal counsel and provide testimony about defamation and dissemination of the photographs syurnya. "I came to the police because Bobby was going too far. Previously I had reported. Since then I have never met," he said at Polda Metro Jaya, Saturday (5 / 6).

According Cynthiara, he was sure that if Bobby syurnya photo spread, because only he and Bobby have a photo. "I fear could interfere with children under the age of the open Internet. Therefore, I reported about penecamaran her good name," he said, mentioning, that the master image that holds only syurnya Bobby.

Cynthiara revealed that syurnya photos ever published in Playboy magazine in Singapore and Japan in 2006 and 2007. Cynthiara who was then still under the management of Bobby, received honorariums from loading the photograph amounted to USD 150 million. However, he admitted, he only gets cut in half even still another 30 percent. "Though the work to me, but why he's more of their income. I do not think, he is so hostile towards me, "he said.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jadwal World Cup 2010 South Africa

Jadwal World Cup 2010 - South Korean national team coach Huh Jung-Moo, South Korea released the official squad for the World Cup in South Africa. Huh mixing in the squad, there is no room for midfielder Ku Ja-Cheol and Shin Hyung-Min / Nor striker Lee Keun-Ho. Third was the previous name survived the initial elimination Taeguk Warriors squad shrink to 26 people, but this time the dream to play in three World Cup confirmed buried.

Jadwal World Cup - In addition, Huh also confirmed Suwon Bluewings defender Kang Min-soo will be plotted to replace Kwak Tae-Hwi who suffered a knee injury in a friendly counter Belarus, Sunday (30 / 5) yesterday. Striker Lee Dong-Gook was in the recovery from a hamstring injury is also included.

"I consider the opinions of the coaching staff and medical team in the decision (election official squad)," said Huh. "Lee Keun-Hoo still could not get out of bad performance, Shin Hyung-Min plays bad when the opponent matches cons of Belarus and Ku Ja-Cheol not only unfortunate elected."

South Korea will be fighting for two big 16 tickets phase with Argentina, Nigeria and Greece from Group B. But before that they were scheduled to complete the final warm-up match versus Spain in Innsbruck, June 3 next.

Official South Korean squad for World Cup 2010:
Goalkeeper: Kim Young-Kwang (Ulsan), Lee Woon-Jae (Suwon), Jung Sung-Ryong (Seongnam)
Defender: Kim Dong-Jin (Ulsan), Kim Hyung-Il (Pohang), Oh Beom-Seok (Ulsan), Lee Young-Pyo (Al Hilal), Lee Jung-Soo (Kashima), Cha Du-Ri (Freiburg, ) Cho Yong-hyung (Jeju United) Kang Min-soo (Suwon)
Midfielders: Ki Sung-Yong (Celtic), Kim Bo-kyung (Oita), Kim Nam-Il (Tomsk), Kim Jae-Sung (Pohang), Kim Jung-Woo (Gwangju), Lee Chung-Yong (Bolton Wanderers) , Park Ji-Sung (Manchester United)
Forwards: Park Chu-Young (Monaco), Ahn Jung-Hwan (Dalian), Lee Seung-Ryul (Seoul), Yeom Ki-Hun, (Suwon), Lee Dong-Gook (Jeonbuk).
In addition, Agus added, during the exhibition, it also held a lot of promos to entice consumers. One is the promo discounts and Cashback and various other direct gifts.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Skuad Argentina Piala Dunia 2010

Skuad Argentina Piala Dunia 2010 - After achieving success in his club Inter Milan's Argentine striker Diego Milito has the ambition to make the same thing at the level of the national team in World Cup 2010.
though look good, does not mean that Milito will be guaranteed in the core squad Albicellestes. "Now my dream to be able to reach destinations in the World Cup with Argentina," specifically to the South American daily Ole.

Skuad Argentina -Inter trafficked Milito who two seasons ago to people behind the success of the squad won the treble winners Nerazzuri this season. Against AS Roma in the Italian Cup, Milito scored the decisive win when his side won 1-0 and went out.

On stage Serie A, Milito determine Inter 1-0 victory over Siena, 16 May. He is also a determinant in the Champions League, where two of his goal to be scored Inter's victory over Bayern Munich.

Milito admitted feeling very pleased with the success he achieved. Yet he remains humble by claiming that success is the success he can for the whole team.

"My feeling was fantastic, but this success belongs to the whole team and not me alone," said Milito.

"Now, I dreamed of scoring goals in the World Cup for Argentina. I want to help Argentina achieve important results in South Africa this summer, "he said again.

Milito at the club's success makes any coach Argentina Maradona praised. According to him, Milito has proven that he has answered the belief that he deserved to appear on the national team. But he's not alone, there is still Lionel Messi, Carlos Tevez, and Kun Aguero who also appeared impressive this season.

"I am not surprised by the appearance of Milito. She performed spectacularly this season. But something similar also happened against Messi, Tevez, and Aguero, "Maradona said in a press conference.

"Milito has proven me correct it chose him. Anyone who is in the best condition will be playing because there is no first team players, and there is no reserve on the team, "said Maradona.

Milito was one of six strikers at the core of 23 players who have been called Maradona to compete in South Africa. His name is increasingly soared above two wicket tally in Munich in the Champions Cup final in 2010 then.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lomba Karikatur Nabi Muhammad di Facebook

Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) menilai kegiatan lomba membuat Karikatur Nabi Muhammad di Facebook termasuk kategori penodaan atau penistaan agama.

"Pelakunya harus dihukum berat," ujar Ketua MUI KH. Amidhan kepada INILAH.COM di Jakarta, Kamis.

Namun, Amidhan mengaku belum tahu pihak yang paling bertanggungjawab dalam kasus menggambar Nabi Muhammad di Facebook.

Hanya saja, di Indonesia pemerintah harus tegas segera menutup segala saluran Facebook yang memuat lomba menggambar Nabi Muhammad.

"Supaya materi yang berisi penghinaan dan penistaan agama tidak menyebar ke mana-mana," tegas Amidhan.

Amidhan mengatakan, MUI tidak mengharamkan Facebook karena ia hanyalah alat yang bersifat netral. "Kalau ada Facebook yang isinya tidak baik dan mengandung fitnah, ya harus ditutup," pungkas Amidhan.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Alangkah Lucunya Negeri Ini

Alangkah Lucunya Negeri Ini - Strength of the parties who want to weaken the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) through the criminalization of KPK leaders, thus still considered strong.

One effort to weaken the strength of the evidence the Commission had, was granted pretrial litigation Anggodo Assessment Letter Discontinuing Prosecutions (SKPP) Bibit Samad Rianto KPK leaders, and Chandra M Hamzah.

The statement expressed member of the House of Representatives Commission III Jamil Nasir in the discussion entitled "Seed-Chandra Drama Volume II" in Jakarta, Saturday (24 / 4). "The strength weakens the KPK is still running. So powerful parties who want to dwarf the KPK," he said.

According to Nasir, a victory over SKPP Seeds Anggodo-Chandra actually cause confusion for the public. It should, he said, this need not happen if the rule of law in an independent state. He considered, a continuing case-law of Chandra Seeds like a slapstick law.

"It's like the joke of law, no legal ketoprak, confused why people like this. How funny law enforcement in this country," he added.

According to him, weakening efforts to criminalize the Commission through his leadership, already apparent when discussing the Law of Special Court of Criminal Acts of Corruption (Corruption) in the Parliament. Nasir argues, there are certain parties who want the authority of KPK reduced.

Meanwhile, practitioners from the University of Indonesia Rudy Satrio said, waive the case in the public interest (deponering), from the side of the law requires proof of the strong.

"Many parties requested that the Attorney General chose the option deponering Seed-Chandra case, but such options do not seem to be chosen, because apparently the Attorney General has no reason to choose it," said Rudi.

Therefore, he said, deponering case from a legal standpoint, there must be strong evidence. But in this case, Rudy rate, there is evidence that does not reveal the missing link. Given this missing link, he said, the Attorney General can not prove guilt Seed-Chandra. "From Ari Muladi to the Commission, who penyampainya, who the Commission who receives, it's important evidence," he explains.

General Chairman of Indonesian Advocates Association (Peradi) Otto Hasibuan judge, in issuing policies SKPP Attorney on the case Seed-Chandra, is inappropriate. Should be, said Otto, Attorney deponering option.

"I agree it can be stopped. If it stopped there was the principle of opportunity. Deponering Attorney General could choose, waive the case is in the public interest," he said.

According to Otto, the prosecutor had stated that the file has been incomplete Seed-Chandra (P21) and proven. So the most appropriate is the case is put aside in the public interest. "Because of insufficient evidence, it must be put aside this case," he said further. With disregard for public interests, continue to Otto, then the interests of all parties, either the Attorney General and Seed-Chandra, have been accommodated in it. So no longer will be the case in question by certain parties concerned. "It has become the authority of the Attorney General in the public interest, we can not fuss," she added.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pidato Aburizal Bakri

Contoh Naskah Pidato - Bagi Partai Golkar, kasus hukum Bank Century tidak boleh berhenti apalagi diberhentikan. Partai beringin itu menegaskan bahwa kasus hukum skandal Bank Century harus jalan terus.

"Saya tegaskan lagi bahwa proses hukum terus berjalan. Posisi seseorang tidak menyebabkan proses hukum berhenti," kata Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Aburizal Bakrie dalam pidato di Kantor Pusat Golkar, Slipi, Jakarta Barat, Sabtu 8 Mei 2010.

Soal kabar yang beredar bahwa ada deal politik antara Presiden SBY dengan Golkar terkait kepindahan Sri Mulyani Indrawati ke Bank Dunia, Aburizal menegaskan bahwa tidak ada kesepakatan apapun.

"Beredar kabar ada deal politik. Saya tegaskan itu tidak ada. Itu pilihan pribadi ibu Sri Mulyani untuk menjabat posisi yang bagus," ujar Aburizal yang kini menjadi Ketua Harian koalisi SBY-Boediono.

Aburizal mengaku sempat membicarakan soal kasus hukum Bank Century dengan Presiden SBY. Dalam perbicangan itu, "Rekomendasi Century termasuk proses hukum terus berjalan. Karena siapa pun tidak bisa menghentikan proses hukum," tegasnya.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Sabrina Pai

Sabrina Pai - Kevin's three young children, Ben and Aan are infatuated with a famous advertisement star in Japan, Maria Ozawa suddenly surprised when I saw the announcement on his idol artist's personal blog. In his blog, written when she was going to Jakarta to give prizes to the winners directly quiz. Aan Ben and immediately the spirit and force Kevin to pick up Mary at the airport.

Arriving at the airport turned out to have much to await the arrival of Maria, but when she unexpectedly arrived at the exit of Taiwan, they all think she is Maria Ozawa and immediately became seizure fans. Kevin, Ben and Aan immediately carried off the girl who was named Noodles Bie Yao was out the airport. On the way they've finally realized that if they bring the girl Maria Ozawa was not that they've been waiting for, but they do not want to waste such a beautiful girl.

Although initially Bie Mie Yao angry with the three youths accused as kidnappers, they finally decided to bring it to the party girl Jessica Taiwan. Jessica is the girl Kevin coveted, but girlfriend Jessica, Mike became a barrier Kevin. Until finally Mike challenged Kevin if you can not bring to the party pretty girl, so Kevin had to stay away from Jessica's life.

Miyabi kidnap movie opens with the typical atmosphere of downtown Tokyo in the Shibuya scene crowded. After that, the figure of the most anticipated, Maria Ozawa came to the scene directly in front of his laptop in a room and continue the scene with a bath in the bathtub. For the men do not immediately think naughty with these scenes, since all who performed in the early scenes are a natural phenomena, far from pornography which is often rumored lately.

Here's an interesting side of kidnap movie Miyabi. In the film shows how Maria Ozawa aka Miyabi show talent acting like famous movie stars. He served as Japan's top ad stars with enough natural, no-frills shows the curves of her naked body. Maybe this is the first film to be the beginning you see the real figures and Miyabi acting on the big screen too right?

Maria Ozawa's actions not only at the center of attention in the film claim Findo Purnowo HW, you can also see the stars of Taiwan, which acts as Sabrina Pai Yao Bie Mie. Action is quite entertaining with silly scenes despite the limitations of language, and you made like to see the figure of Maria Ozawa in Sabrina Pai. Sabrina Pai not only will your stomach churn, there are still three young children, Nicky Tirta, Kevin Julio, and Hardi-Fadillah with silliness silliness that will invite laughter.

Surely not just a mere comedy offered by Maxima Pictures. She has also tried to abduct a moral message that you can apply in everyday life. Starting how to keep trying with the ideals who want to achieve, until the message is not always be partying with booze. So, there's nothing to worry about is not it?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Cowboys in Paradise

Cowboys in Paradise - Bali Police formed a special team to investigate the case of documentary Cowboys in Paradise, Friday (30 / 4). This team is a combination of the Directorate officers Reskrim Bali Police cyber crime and a team of Police Headquarters.

In addition to examining relevant witnesses filmmaking that tells about the life of the gigolo in Bali, the special team will also collect evidence, especially the film footage that has been circulating on the Internet. Besides the three players the Cowboys have been checking in Paradise, police will also call some other players in the film.

After three kids beach called a gigolo, Suardana Ketut, a resident of Ubud, Bali, who became speaker in the film also feels trapped. Ketut said two years ago Virmani interviewed himself with the topic of HIV / AIDS, not about a gigolo. In an interview with twitchfilm.net site, Virmani reveal the cowboy Balinese are very open to tell their life as a gigolo.

Ketut Suardana also suspect, director copied the idea of a writer named Mark Ulyseas, who once wrote an article called Kuta Cowboys, in a local magazine in Bali.

After examination of witnesses, police plan to call the director Amit Virani for examination. Related to this calling, police will coordinate with the Police Headquarters Criminal Investigation Body. Earlier, the police declared illegal because the Cowboys in Paradise violates the Film Law. Film director is also deemed to have violated the Immigration Act because it comes to Bali with tourist visas, not to make a movie

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Penemuan Perahu Nabi Nuh

Perahu Nabi Nuh - Sekelompok peneliti gabungan dari China dan Turki menyatakan telah menemukan sebuah perahu bersejarah yang tertulis di dalam kitab suci 3 agama, yakni Islam, Kristiani, dan Yahudi. Perahu Nuh yang menjadi penyelamat 8 orang dan makhluk bumi lainnya itu ditemukan di sebuah daerah pegunungan di Turki bagian Timur.

Demikian ungkap salah satu tim peneliti yang tergabung dalam ‘Noah's Ark Ministries International' kepada media setempat, 26 April 2010 lalu.

"Kami belum yakin 100 persen bahwa ini benar perahu Nuh, tapi keyakinan kami sudah 99 persen," kata salah satu anggota tim yang bertugas membuat film dokumenter, Yeung Wing.

Sebagai bukti bahwa apa yang mereka katakan bukanlah hal yang mengada-ada, kelompok yang beranggotakan 15 orang tersebut menunjukkan spesimen fosil kapal yang diduga perahu Nuh, berupa tambang, paku, dan pecahan kayu kepada para wartawan yang meliput.

Mereka berharap penemuan besar ini mendorong pemerintah Turki mendaftarkan situs negara ke UNESCO. Para peneliti ingin lembaga internasional seperti PBB juga dapat ikut serta menjaga kelestarian perahu Nuh.

Sungguh besar pekerjaan Tuhan untuk menunjukkan bahwa Alkitab adalah iya dan amin. Dia memakai para peneliti zaman sekarang membuktikan bahwa apa yang terjadi ribuan tahun yang lalu adalah benar adanya. Jadi, buat apa kita tidak percaya dengan apa yang tertulis di dalam Alkitab jika sudah banyak hal didalam-Nya telah terbukti? Bahkan hal yang aneh jika masih ada orang yang mengganggap Alkitab adalah berisi dongeng-dongeng dan kata-kata bualan semata. Perlu dipertanyakan manusia yang memiliki pemikiran-pemikiran seperti ini.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tingkat Kelulusan UN SMA

Pengumuman Kelulusan SMA 2010 - Tingkat kelulusan Ujian Nasional (UN) siswa SMA dan MA pada 2010 secara nasional melorot 4 persen dibanding 2009, yakni dari 93,74 persen menjadi 89,88 %.

Pengumuman Kelulusan- "Angka kelulusan UN tingkat SMA/MA 2010 mengalami penurunan. Namun semua ada hikmahnya," kata Menteri Pendidikan Naasional Mohammad Nuh dalam jumpa pers terkait hasil UN tingkat nasional di Jakarta, kemarin.

Total peserta UN tingkat SMA/MA 2010 sebanyak 1.522.162 siswa. Dari jumlah itu 154.079 atau 10,12 persen siswa mengulang. Jumlah siswa yang tak mengulang 1.368.083 (89,88%).

"Angka 89,88 persen adalah kelulusan UN, bukan angka kelulusan siswa. Karena siswa juga bisa dinyatakan tak lulus sekolah, meski nilai UN-nya lulus, tapi akhlak dan budi pekertinya tidak baik," kata dia.

Menurut Nuh, meningkatnya angka ketidaklulusan salah satunya terjadi pengawasan UN kali ini lebih ketat. Sehingga siswa mengerjakan soal sesuai dengan kemampuan diri.

Selain itu, pemerintah daerah juga tidak memiliki target kelulusan tertentu, sehingga pelaksanaan UN berlangsung lebih jujur.

"Contohnya Pemda Gorontalo, angka ketidaklulusan atau mengulang UN-nya cukup tinggi mencapai 46,22% dibanding tahun lalu yang hanya sebesar 1%. Hal itu menunjukkan komitmen Pemda Gorontalo dalam menjalankan Pakta Kejujuran dan Integritas,"

Friday, April 23, 2010

Handphone Nokia

Entertainment News - Proving it's still at the cutting edge, Nokia has rushed out an Ash Cloud Tracker application, available free from the Ovi store for those who still care where the Icelandic bugbear is.

Nokia - While the application is no doubt of enormous value to the residents of Orkney and the Shetlands where restrictions are still in place, the rest of Europe has rather lost interest in the cloud since flights resumed and now the attention is on how quickly the airlines can get their planes and crew back into the right places.

But if you're really interested in tracking the cloud then you can get the app from the Ovi store by searching for "ash cloud".

Don't try "Eyjafjallajökull cloud", as that won't get you anywhere, except maybe impressing those nearby with your keyboard skills.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Nokia Handphone

Sony Ericsson has two new phones lined up for an autumn release; the Sony Ericsson Zylo and Sony Ericsson Spiro, both described as 'Walkman phones' with social networking features. The Zylo also offers the FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) format for music playback, promising high-quality audio.

Jenny Maltesson, Sony Ericsson's Marketing Business Manager, said "The Sony Ericsson range of Walkman phones has seen tremendous success since it was first launched in 2005 having sold more than 130 million handsets to date – and we are still seeing a great appetite from consumers. Today’s announcement aims to satisfy this demand by making the Walkman phone range available to a wider audience."

Nokia is also on the social networking trail with its announcement of the Nokia C3, Nokia C6 and Nokia E5. The C3 is a series 40 device with a QWERTY keyboard and a sub-£100 SIM-free price while the C6 and E5 are Symbian smartphones. The two C series devices are due in Q2, the E5 is expected in Q3.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Spring spelt pasta salad with ground elder pesto

300g spelt pasta
Ground elder pesto:

100g ground elder, top leaves only
1 small garlic clove, chopped
3 tbsp extra virgin rapeseed oil or olive oil
40g almonds
3 tbsp lemon juice
salt and freshly ground pepper

Resep - Ground elder (Aegopodium podagraria) is a member of the carrot family that generally grows in shady places. Also known as goutweed, goatweed and snow-in-the-mountain, it is said to have been introduced to Britain as a food plant by the Romans and then to Northern Europe by monks in the Middle Ages, who cultivated it as a healing herb. In spring, garden lovers spend a lot of time digging up the plants and disposing of them, but why not pick the top leaves in spring and use them in pestos or salads as you would spinach.

Pick the ground elder fresh in spring only, then rinse in cold water and drain in a colander. Place in a food processor with the other ingredients, except the salt and pepper, and blend to a smooth paste. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground pepper and perhaps more lemon juice.

Boil the spelt pasta in lightly salted water for 8-10 minutes until al dente. Drain in a colander and allow it to cool down. When cool, place in a mixing bowl, mix with the ground elder pesto and season again with salt and freshly ground pepper.

If you can't pick ground elder, then use parsley, rocket or dandelion leaves (but you can only use the dandelion in spring).
Smørrebrød with salmon tartare

The permutations of healthy rye bread topped with fresh ingredients are endless. Serving the salmon raw with horseradish is a great combination, providing lots of brain-boosting omega-3 fatty acids, protein and minerals. For this treatment it is essential that you have a good supplier to ensure the salmon is very fresh. Serves four

400g very fresh salmon fillet, skinned
2 cucumbers, halved and deseeded
2 tbsp grated fresh horseradish
juice of 1 lime
1 tsp white wine vinegar
6 tbsp chopped chervil, plus 4 sprigs to decorate
salt and freshly ground pepper
4 slices of rye bread
8 crisp lettuce leaves

Cut the salmon fillet into small squares and place in a bowl. Cut the cucumbers into cubes. Add to the salmon with the horseradish, lime juice, vinegar and chopped chervil. Mix well and season with salt and pepper.

Place a slice of bread on each plate, place two lettuce leaves on each slice of bread, then spoon the salmon salad on to the lettuce leaves. Sprinkle with pepper and top with a sprig of chervil.
Salted pollack with beetroot salad

Low in saturated fat, pollack is a good source of riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, magnesium and potassium, and a very good source of protein, vitamin B12, phosphorus and the antioxidant mineral selenium. It is also not being as over-fished as cod. Serves four.

400g skinless pollack fillets
2 tbsp Maldon sea salt or another flaky salt
1 tsp sugar
grated zest from ½ an unwaxed lemon
rye bread, to serve
Beetroot salad

400g beetroot
4 tbsp grated fresh horseradish
2 tbsp lime juice
200ml low-fat yogurt
salt and freshly ground pepper

Well ahead, place the fish in a big, deep oven tray with straight sides. Mix the salt, sugar and lemon zest, then spread this mixture on both sides of the fish fillets. Cover the dish and leave it in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

To make the beetroot salad, first boil the beetroot in salted water for 30 minutes. Take out of the water and rinse in cold water, then peel and cut into 2cm dice. Mix the beetroot dice with the horseradish, lime juice and yogurt. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

When the fish has marinated for 4 hours, lightly brush the salt mixture off the fish, then cut the fillets into very thin slices. Serve with the beetroot salad and the rye bread.

Friday, April 16, 2010


For the back story to this photograph have a look at Suppressing science, A victory for Simon Singh and BCA libels Simon Singh? For the article that upset the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) see Beware the Spinal Trap. Better still, have a look at the original article which is now back up on the Guardian web site.

Twitter erupted with messages of congratulations last night when news started coming through that the BCA had thrown in the towel. This has been a high profile case which has highlighted the danger of UK libel laws to science journalists and others. But as Hari’s T-shirt, and the story below from The Libel Reform campaign (BCA drop libel case against Simon Singh) show this isn’t over yet. There will be legal action to recover costs and the libel laws have to be changed:

The British Chiropractic Association has today dropped its libel case with science writer Simon Singh. This follows the Court of Appeal ruling on 1st April that Singh’s article on chiropractic was comment not fact.

Simon Singh has been fighting his case for two years and has spent more than 200,000 pounds. He will never recover all his costs. He said: “It still staggers me that the British Chiropractic Association and half the chiropractors in the UK were making unsubstantiated claims. It still baffles me that the BCA then dared to sue me for libel and put me through two years of hell before I was vindicated. And it still makes me angry that our libel laws not only tolerate but also encourage such ludicrous libel suits. English libel law is so intimidating, so expensive, so hostile to serious journalists that it has a chilling effect on all areas of debate, silencing scientists, journalists, bloggers, human rights activists and everyone else who dares to tackle serious matters of public interest. In the area of medicine alone, fear of libel means that good research is not always published because those with vested interests might sue, and bad research that should be withdrawn is not pulled because the authors might sue the journal, and in both cases it is the public that loses out because the truth is never exposed. My victory does not mean that our libel laws are okay, because I won despite the libel laws – we still have the most notoriously anti-free speech libel laws in the free world.”

Simon Singh:“The good news is that all three main parties this week committed to a libel reform bill in the next Parliament. But libel reform has to be radical. Cutting costs by a half means that a trial will not cost 1 million pounds but cost 500,000 pounds, but this is still extortionate. Costs need to be cut by a factor of 10 at least. Moreover the current libel law still means that libel tourists can sue in London on spurious grounds, big companies can still bully lone journalists, we still lack a robust public interest defence and we still have an unfair burden of proof on writers. It is important to remember that another libel case involving medicine continues – Dr Peter Wilmshurst is a consultant cardiologist who is being sued for libel for raising serious concerns about the data relating to a new heart device. If Dr Wilmshurst loses his case then he will be bankrupted. It is ridiculous that a respected researcher such as Dr Wilmshurst, someone who has devoted his life to medicine, should be put under such pressure just for speaking his mind. Our libel laws discourage doctors, scientists and journalists from speaking out. It is only when Peter has hopefully defended his libel case that I will be able to celebrate. It is only when English libel law has been reformed that I will be able enjoy today’s victory. Unless our libel laws change urgently and radically, I will not be the last journalist hauled through the libel courts and who will have to face financial disaster and two years of hell simply for raising an important and valid matter of public interest.”

Simon Singh:“One of the good things to come out of the last two years is that the chiropractic profession has been put under intense scrutiny. One in four chiropractors in the UK is now being investigated for making allegedly misleading claims, the Advertising Standards Authority has ruled against many chiropractic claims and the British Chiropractic Association has removed many claims from its website. None of this would have happened if I had backed down and the BCA has successfully silenced my article.”

Simon Singh:“The case is not quite over, because we still have to argue over costs. Having backed down and dropped the case, I expect the British Chiropractic Association to pay my legal bill of 200,000 pounds. I fully expect the BCA to argue that they should not pay all my costs, but I think it is the very least that they should do because this entire legal battle has been instigated by the BCA. I will never get back the two years that I have wasted on this case when I should have been writing a new book and I will never get back all the time I should have had with friends and family, which instead was replaced with continual stress, anxiety and ridiculously tedious legal documents. Fortunately the case has ended when my son Hari is only three weeks old, so I can now relax and enjoy being a father. My wife is a journalist and she been fully supportive throughout, and without her backing and the support of family, friends, scientists, bloggers and many others I suspect I would not have had the morale to keep fighting this case until the end.”

Monday, April 12, 2010

Susno Duadji

Susno Duadji - If there was ever an unlikely reformer, it is Susno Duadji, formerly the Indonesian National Police head of detectives, who was caught dead to rights by the country's anti-corruption agency for helping key officials ensnared in the notorious Bank Century scandal to flee the country. Susno was forced out of his position because of the scandal and was lucky he wasn't indicted. He remains in limbo in an unspecified capacity with the national police force.

But in the wake of his ouster, Susno has suddenly started blowing the whistle on his former associates. His revelations have caused an uproar in the entire national law enforcement establishment as he grants interviews to virtually every news organization that wants to listen.

What he is delivering has nothing to do with a sudden about turn in conscience. It appears to have more to do with injured pride and the machinations against President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's reform team by the Golkar Party, headed by coal tycoon Aburizal Bakrie.

In March, Susno raised a storm by accusing three police officials, then identified only by their rank and initials – which meant it wouldn't be hard to figure out who they were -- of taking bribes from a mid-ranking tax official named Gayus Tambunan to bury a criminal probe after he was discovered to have Rp28 billion (US$3.1 million) in his bank account. The case has since ensnared the Attorney General's Office, top officials of the National Police and the Tangerang District Court as well the Directorate General of Taxation and a number of companies.

Despite the revelations over Tambunan's bank accounts, the Tangerang District Court acquitted the tax official of embezzlement on March 12 and he promptly left Jakarta for Singapore with Susno sounding the alarm. Tambunan surrendered to police in Singapore. On Friday, the national police chief dismissed Police Brig. Gen. Edmond Ilyas, the former head of economic crimes, from his new job as Lampung Police Chief on information based on Susno's accusations. Brig. Gen. Radja Erisman, the current director of economic crimes, is also believed to have been implicated by Susno, partly because he unfroze Tambunan's bank accounts, which allowed him to flee. Ilyas and Erismana have filed criminal defamation complaints against Susno over his allegations, saying they were innocent of the charges.

Reportedly investigators have evidence that Ilyas received at least Rp1.1 billion from Tambunan and Andi Kosasih, a Batam businessman who was said to be "helpful in connecting entrepreneurs with officials, especially entrepreneurs who have difficulty in obtaining business licenses."

Two more police officials, Comdr. Arafat Enanie and Adj. Comr. Sri Sumartini, are also suspects after it turned out that they questioned Tambunan in the relaxed atmosphere of Jakarta hotels rather than at National Police headquarters during the earlier probe of the tax official. Enanie is said to have received a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, a Toyota Fortuner and a house from Tambunan, a police source said. "We already seized all of that as evidence, while Sumartini got Rp100 million in cash, which she used to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca." Arafat is also said to have received bribes from PT Mega Cipta Jaya Garmindo, a company that allegedly transferred funds into Gayus's accounts.

The Attorney General's Office is equally embarrassed over the way its prosecutors handled the case that ended with Tambunan's acquittal. Last week, Attorney General Hendarman Supandji was forced to stumble into a statement that they had not been bribed to dismiss the charges. Instead, he blamed "thoughtlessness," saying they were overloaded with big cases.

The falling police officials led Eliswan Azly, a columnist writing for Antara, the government-owned and operated news service, to write that Susno had shown "unprecedented courage in publicly disclosing case-brokering practices in the police force" and quoted officials recommending that he take up the post of Head of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK),which became vacant after the former anti-graft chief, Antasari Azhar, was convicted of arranging the murder of a rival for an attractive female golf caddy's affections.

Despite Antasari's conviction, the KPK is widely considered to be the most unbuyable public agency in Indonesia. It was Susno, during the Bank Century case, who did his best to wreck the agency, ordering the arrest of two KPK commissioners who had wiretap evidence that he had been advising corrupt officials at the bank and helping one of them to escape to Singapore.

Susno's candidacy is being pushed from behind the scenes by Golkar, which remains a component of the national ruling coalition headed by Yudhoyono. Despite its seeming loyalty to Yudhoyono, however, Golkar, at Bakrie's behest, spent months embroiled in a House of Representatives probe of Yudhoyono's two most important reformers, Vice President Boediono and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati over allegations of their complicity in the Bank Century affair. The government poured more than US$710 million into the effort to save the ailing bank during the 2008 global financial crisis. Yudhoyono managed to retain the two officials despite the investigation and pressure from Golkar.

The KPK is a particular bête noir of Susno's. The agency wiretapped Susno in connection to a graft case involving fugitive businessman Anggoro Widjojo, the director of a company called PT Mararo Radiokom, who allegedly bribed at least four lawmakers and several forestry ministry officials in connection with an Rp180 billion (US$12.7 million) radio communication system procurement project for the Forestry Ministry. Anggoro fled the country for Singapore.

Anti-corruption reportedly discovered that Susno had met with Anggoro in Singapore three days after the agency named had him a suspect in the bribery case.

Susno promptly ordered the two KPK officials arrested for allegedly abusing their powers. It was only after weeks of vacillation and rising public anger that Yudhoyono finally came down on the officials' side and Susno was pushed out.

Now Susno is pushing back. He has also said two police brigadier generals have been acting as case brokers in money laundering and tax evasion cases. Watch this space.

"Despicable slimeball as he is, Susno deserves all our support and encouragement for the time being," wrote a blogger who writes on the "Unspun" site. "This is because he is the guy who knows where all the skeletons are buried in the Police Force. And now that he's been done out of a career in the Police Force, sacrificed, as it were by fellow slimeballs and corrupt officers, he's now out for revenge by spilling the beans on his former comrades."

With reporting from Jakarta Globe

Friday, April 9, 2010

Pidato Presiden Sudan

Presiden Sudan Omar al-Bashir yakin pemilihan umum di negaranya akan berlangsung "bebas dan fair."

Dalam pidato kampanyenya, Bashir mengatakan pemilihan umum akan berlangsung bersih sebagaimana "sebuah tugas negara."

Untuk pertama kalinya pemilihan umum di Sudan diikuti oleh banyak partai sejak 1986, sekaligus menjadi negara demokratis terbesar di Afrika.

Namun sejumlah partai oposisi besar menolak ikut serta dalam pemilihan umum tersebut. Mereka akan memboikot karena menduga ada kecurangan.

Sementara itu, partai-partai oposisi kecil menyatakan akan mengikuti pemilihan umum di kawasan Utara. Sedangkan partai besar SPLM hanya ikut pemilihan umum di wilayah Selatan.

Proses pemilihan umum mendapatkan kritik keras dari kelompok hak asasi manusia internasional dan dalam negeri.

Koresponden BBC di James Copnall di Khartoum mengatakan, Bashir menolak kritikan tersebut serta menyingkirkan tuntutan kelompok oposisi yang menuntut pemilihan umum yang semula diselenggarakan Ahad diundur Selasa.

Selama berkampanye, presiden aktif mengumumkan proyek-proyek pembangunan baru di setiap kota yang dikunjungi. Demikian laporan koresponden BBC.

"Pemilihan umum akan berlangsung fair, bebas, bersih, dan bagus," kata Bashir dalam sebuah pertemuan di utara Sudan.

"Mereka akan berlaku bersih karena ini bagian dari tugas agama," jelasnya dalam pidato yang disiarkan televisi pemerintah.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tiger Woods Back

Vegetables Recipes - The flyover was timed to the second, the kind of precise operation the old boys at Augusta National Golf Club really might have appreciated under different circumstances.

A few moments after Tiger Woods hit his first competitive tee shot in more than five months, he was striding down the first fairway, applause all around from the largest gallery these eyes have seen at the Masters, when the little airplane came into view above the tree tops, churning into the wind and tugging a sign in its wake.


This was a flippant reference to Woods’ comments that one of the reasons for his many sexual “transgressions” is that he grew apart from Buddhism, the teachings he says used to keep him centred.

Whatever. Yes Tiger will remain the butt of jokes but, if nothing else, these 18 holes of golf he played yesterday answered two of the major questions hanging over his head. One, is he ready to play? And, two, “Does anybody care that Tiger has been revealed as a serial philanderer, as long as he’s playing golf?”

Yes, Tiger is ready. He shot 68, his lowest first round ever at the Masters.

“I expected to shoot something under par,” Woods said. “Guys were just tearing this place apart. Most of the tees were up. If you drove the ball well you could get some short irons in your hands.”

As for No. 2, from the moment Woods appeared on the first tee, with patrons lined 30-deep on each side of the fairway, there wasn’t a patch of open grass anywhere near one of his fairways. Humanity occupied every open space. They cheered and called his name, watching his every move.

“The reception was incredible all day,” Woods said. “From the putting green to the practice tee back to the first tee, just incredible. I was saying thank you all day. The people were just incredible.”

They went berserk when he eagled the par-five eighth but the moment that everyone will remember that says “Tiger is back” occurred one hole later.

With skies darkening and a tornado watch already in effect, Woods knocked his drive down the left side of the ninth fairway, totally blocking his vision of the green and the pin, 207 yards away. He needed to hit a big sweeping hook with his five-iron to even catch a piece of the green, let alone access the pin witch was back left.

He took a mighty swipe and then ran, bad knee, achilles and all, a-la Sergio Garcia, circa 1999, toward the fairway to get a look. So much for the calmer, less demonstrative Tiger. The ball hooked on command, bouncing up the green past the hole. It settled for a moment on the fringe then trickled back toward the pin, coming to rest 12 feet from the hole.

Of course he made the delicate downhill putt and the crowd made its own thunder. This was what everyone had been missing. This is why he is the most recognizable face in the world of sport. This is why he’s sport’s first billionaire (at least temporarily). This is why all these people came: The man does things on a golf course nobody else can do.

Nobody is going to forget the stunning revelations of the past five months. Some will not forgive but most believe it’s none of our business. Still, Woods has been stained, perhaps for life.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Daftar Cedera ‎

KENYATAAN pahit harus dihadapi Arsenal. Menghadapi laga penentuan melawan Barcelona, klub berjuluk The Gunners ini dipastikan kehilangan satu pilarnya lagi. Daftar pemain Arsenal yang harus masuk ruang perawatan bertambah seiring masuknya nama Alex Song.

Bek yang sejatinya diplot mengisi posisi yang ditinggalkan William Gallas ini dipastikan absen pada leg kedua perempatfinal Liga Champions karena mengalami cedera otot pangkal paha. Cedera itu menimpanya ketika pemain Timnas Kamaerun tersebut tampil menghadapi Wolverhamton Wanderers pada lanjutan English Premier League (EPL), akhir pekan lalu.

"Sebuah kejutan yang tidak mengenakkan bagi kami. Dia menjalani pemindaian kemarin sore pada lututnya dan diketahui ada pembengkakan cartilage," jelas manajer Arsene Wenger dikutip Sky Sports.

Kabar tak mengenakkan itu menjadi pukulan telak bagi Wenger. Sebelumnya, Arsenal sudah kehilangan Gallas, Cesc Fabregas dan Andrei Arshavin. Adapun Robin Van Persie juga belum menunjukkan tanda-tanda bisa bermain dalam waktu dekat.

"Kami masih harus menunggu dan melihat seberapa serius cederanya, tapi bisa dipastikan dia absen untuk laga besok (dini hari WIB nanti)," pungkas Wenger. roq

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tekad Iran Lebih Bulat‎

Presiden Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad mengatakan, ancaman sanksi terhadap Iran karena program nuklir Iran hanya akan membuat Iran lebih bertekad bulat untuk mengusahakan program nuklirnya.

Ahmadinejad mengatakan tekanan internasional terhadap Iran tidak dapat menghentikan kemajuan Republik Islam itu dan justru memotivasi rakyatnya. Ia mengeluarkan komentar tadi dalam pidato lewat televisi dari kota Sirjan, Iran Selatan.

Sebelumnya, Presiden Amerika Barack Obama menyerukan kepada para anggota Dewan Keamanan PBB agar menyetujui rangkaian keempat sanksi terhadap Iran karena kegiatan nuklir negara itu.

Presiden Ahamdinejad juga mengatakan Presiden Obama telah gagal mendesakkan perubahan nyata apapun dalam kebijakan Amerika terhadap Iran, meskipun Obama berjanji akan meningkatkan keterlibatan Iran dalam perundingan.

Amerika dan sekutu-sekutunya mencurigai Iran sedang berusaha mengolah uranium untuk mengembangkan senjata nuklir, namun Iran telah menyangkal tuduhan tersebut.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro

Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro - The Vivaz Pro is set to launch in April, which means that Sony Ericsson is producing the QWERTY keypad edition of its HD video- enabled smartphone far sooner than anticipated.

The Vivaz Pro has appeared as a pre-order item on an online retail site with an RRP of £339.99.

Sony Ericsson had not divulged the exact release date for the Vivaz Pro and most had expected it to come to market in May - at around the same time that the Xperia X10 Mini is scheduled to arrive.

The Vivaz Pro could attract some customers, but observers have pointed out that its pricing leaves it in direct competition with the Samsung Wave.

Sony Ericsson's mobile phone is a nice bit of kit, but the Wave looks to be at least its equal thanks to its large Super AMOLED screen and HD capabilities.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Messi Pasti Jadi Starter

Pelatih Argentina Diego Maradona memuji Lionel Messi yang makin matang di usianya yang baru 22. Maradona juga menjamin bakal menjadikan Messi starter di Piala Dunia 2010. Menurutnya meski masih muda, namun bintang Barcelona itu 'makin dewasa dengan langkah yang besar'.

 "Saya melihat Messi sebagai pemain yang fantastis dengan skill yang luar biasa. Kebahagiaan juga terpancar pada dirinya saat bermain. Dia dipastikan menjadi starter bersama Javier Mascherano," ujar Maradona.

Maradona juga mengaku dipusingkan dengan persaingan lini depan tim yang ketat. Pasalnya, Argentina memiliki banyak striker bagus. Tercatat Gonzalo Higuain, Sergio 'Kun' Aguero, Carlos Tevez, Diego Milito, Ezequiel Lavezzi, dan Martin Palermo, akan bersaing untuk mendapatkan tempat di skuad Argentina.

"Kami memiliki banyak striker di liga Eropa. Sulit untuk mengabaikan mereka. Persoalannya, saya hanya bisa membawa 23 pemain," kata Maradona.

Argentina akan berujicoba melawan Kanada di Buenos Aires pada 24 Mei mendatang. Mereka yang diturunkan dalam ujicoba itu hampir dipastikan masuk skuad yang dibawa ke Afrika Selatan.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Freida Pinto Gadis Bond

AKTRIS Slumdog Millionaire Freida Pinto dikabarkan segera memainkan gadis agen mata-mata Inggris terkenal, James Bond, selanjutnya. Bintang, 24, asal India itu akan terlihat bersama Daniel Craig dalam film 007 mendatang yang akan disutradarai oleh Sam Mendes. Menurut contactmusic.com, lokasi syuting akan diambil di Afghanistan.

Sementara itu, aktris Olivia Wilde dilaporkan juga dalam pembicaraan untuk membintangi gadis Bond yang kedua. "Sam (Mendes) telah berbicara tentang Bond selama beberapa bulan terakhir dan ia sangat bersemangat. Freida selalu diimpikan menjadi gadis Bond. Masalahnya, pada awal, ia merasa gugup menerima itu, "kata seorang sumber.

Film Bond nanti akan menjadi yang paling ambisius dari yang sebelumnya. Pasalnya, Sam berencana untuk membangkitkan kembali film genre ini.

Peter Morgan, yang menulis The Queen, telah menulis draf naskah pertama. Dijanjikan, film terbaru bakal memiliki visual yang menakjubkan.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cinta Lama Bersemi Kembali

Film yang berdurasi hampir dua jam ini sayang untuk dilewatkan. Lucu, manusia dan sangat mungkin terjadi bagi siapa saja yang pernah merasakan cinta. Cinta lama bersemi kembali. Seperti itulah kira kira kisah cinta yang ada dalam film It's complicated. Yaitu kisah dua orang manusia yang sudah berumur yang dulu pernah hidup bersama dan harus berpisah karena perbedaan prinsip, tapi kemudian dua orang yang dulu pernah mencicipi nikmatnya sebuah kehidup berumahtangga ini bertemu kembali dan merasakan kembali benih-benih yang dulu pernah ada.

Nancy Meyer, sutradara film ini sepertinya memahami betul di peruntukkan kepada siapa film ini. Karena beberapa adegan konyol yang mewarnai hampir disetiap adegan dalam film ini ternyata mampu menggelitik tawa penonton. Tentu saja ini tak lepas dari akting dari para pemainnya seperti Alec Baldwin, Steven Martin dan Meryl Streep salah satu aktris peraih Golden Globe.

Tangan dingin sang sutradara Nancy Meyer dan jam terbangnya dalam membuat film tentunya juga tak bisa diabaikan begitu saja. Beberapa film yang pernah dibuat antara lain adalah What Women Want (2000), Something's Gotta Give (2003) dan The Holiday (2006).

Kembali ke film it's complicated. Film ini mengisahkan tentang Jane (Meryl Streep) seorang ibu rumah tangga yang memiliki tiga orang anak dan telah bercerai dengan mantan suaminya Jake (Alec Baldwin) selama 10 tahun. Jane yang sudah berhasil menata hidupnya kembali setelah ditinggal oleh Jake, kini dibuat bingung dengan kelakuan Jake yang mencoba untuk rujuk kembali, meskipun Jake telah menikah lagi dengan Agness (Lake Bell) wanita lebih muda dan cantik darinya.

Awal kedekatan mereka dimulai saat acara wisuda anak mereka Luke (Hunter Parish) di New York. Keduanya kembali bertemu dan mengenang kisah indah mereka di sebuah bar hotel tempat mereka menginap. Ternyata kemesraan mereka berlanjut setelah acara wisuda sang anak dan semakin panas. Lalu apakah mereka akan bersatu kembali?

Sang sutradara Nancy Meyer rupanya mampu dengan cerdas mengkombinasikan antara scene yang bisa membuat kita tertawa terpingkal-pingkal saat Jane dan Jake kembali tidur bersama setelah sepuluh tahun. Saat itu tangan Jake diletakkan di atas kemaluan Jane yang ditutupi oleh selimut pastinya, sambil berkata, “home sweet home” yang kontan membuat kita yang menyaksikan adegan itu langsung tertawa. Belum lagi akting yang dilakukan oleh Adam salah seorang komedian Steven Martin yang menambah bumbu yang manis dalam film ini.

Namun dibalik kelucuan yang disajikan para bintang-bintang di film ini, It's Complicated juga membawa pesan yang dalam tentang hubungan rumah tangga. Bagaimana antara suami dan istri, anak, dan orang tua, harus saling menghormati secara utuh. (ida)

Sumber: CBN

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Rumah Menghadap Sungai

Sungai Bawah Laut - Dari tengah Sungai Musi, atap-atap rumah bergaya limas di Desa Air Balui, Kecamatan Muara Lakitan, Kabupaten Musi Rawas, Sumatera Selatan, tampak berebut ruang terbuka. Genteng berwarna merah bata atau coklat kehitaman itu berpadu apik dengan rumah-rumah panggung terbuat dari kayu yang umumnya sudah berusia tua.

Video Sungai Bawah Laut - ”Rumah ini sudah dihuni sejak kakek kami. Saya generasi ketiga yang menempati rumah ini,” kata Sa’ad (36), warga Air Balui, tentang rumahnya, Rabu (10/3) siang.

Beberapa tiang dan papan rumah itu sudah terlihat lapuk dimakan usia, sementara kaca jendela masih menggunakan kaca patri yang saat ini sudah sulit ditemukan.

Rumah seluas 66 meter persegi itu diperkirakan sudah berusia 100 tahun lebih. Posisi rumah persis menghadap Sungai Musi, dengan jalan beton selebar satu meter di depan- nya.

”Dulu, jalan depan rumah ini adalah jalan besar. Karena erosi terjadi terus-menerus, jalan terkikis dan dipindah ke belakang rumah,” tambah Neli (30), istri Sa’ad.

Jalan besar baru sebagai penghubung Kabupaten Musi Rawas dengan Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin itu dipindah sejak tahun 1980-an. Jalan provinsi ini menjadi penghubung jalan lintas timur (jalintim) dengan jalan lintas tengah (jalinteng) Sumatera. Jalan baru tersebut berjarak sekitar 50 meter dari jalan lama yang sudah hilang.

Jika boleh memilih, lanjut Sa’ad, dia lebih suka tinggal di rumah di tepi jalan. ”Lebih enak karena bisa jualan, buka toko, atau buka jasa penyewaan,” ungkapnya.

Jaya Kusuma, warga Desa Ngulak I, Sanga Desa, pun mengakui lebih enak jika rumahnya menghadap jalan. Rumah Jaya menghadap sungai yang di sisinya dibangun jalan beraspal hotmix.

”Sejak saya belum lahir, rumah-rumah di sini menghadap sungai. Saya mendengar dari orangtua sejak zaman Belanda,” kata Jaya.

Erni (23), warga Desa Ngulak I lainnya, mengaku sangat menikmati rumahnya yang menghadap ke sungai. ”Pemandangannya bagus. Apalagi di depan rumah juga ada jalan raya di tepi Sungai Musi. Jalan ini lebih tinggi dari permukaan sungai sehingga tidak pernah terjadi luapan air yang menggenangi jalan dan rumah penduduk,” jelas ibu satu anak.

Dia mengaku rumah yang ditempati merupakan warisan dari leluhur mereka. Kini, generasi keempat yang tinggal rumah itu. Bangunan dari kayu itu tampak masih kokoh.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Teacher Accused of Sending Photos of Herself

Melinda Dennehy - A New Hampshire high school teacher is accused of "sexting" a 15-year-old student.Court documents claim Melinda Dennehy, a 41-year-old sophomore English teacher, mailed the teenager four nude photos of herself and continuously sent sexually explicit text messages.

Melinda Dennehy Pics - The boy emailed the photos to two other students, according to court documents, and kids in the town of Londonderry say the pictures were circulating around the school.

The boy's father brought the case to police, showing officers an email of the photos.

The teacher was put on administrative leave by the school last week and turned herself in on Friday.

She is currently free on personal recognizance bail, ordered not to go on school property nor have contact with anyone under 16.

Her arraignment is set for March 23rd.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wear With Ugg Boots

Nancy Benoit - The question of what to wear with ugg boots is a simple one to answer. This popular style of boot can be worn with just about anything. There are no fashion rules when it comes to wearing these boots. In fact, it seems that wearing this style of boot breaks almost every fashion-related rule.

Nancy Benoit Hustler Pics - Ugg boots are available in many different colors and styles and it is this enormous selection which makes the boots so versatile and desirable. The styles run the gamut from the casual look of the standard three quarter boot in a natural shade to the flamboyant and funky long haired pink boot. Whatever color you can think of, the sheep skin can be dyed to match.

People are wearing these popular boots to the office, on the dance floor, out to dinner, and while on vacation to the slopes or to the shores. Whatever look you are trying to achieve, you can achieve it with ugg boots. And these boots are not geared towards any one segment of society. Men, women, children and infants can all find a pair of ugg boots to match their size and their style.

Think wearing boots at the beach sounds crazy? Well, this is what surfers did back in the seventies. In fact, even though sheep skin boots had been around for quite some time, it was surfers who started the craze. Australia is a great place to surf, and since ugg boots are made from Australian sheep skin their existence was already well-known in the land down under. After emerging from Australia’s cold ocean waters, surfers needed something which could quickly warm their feet. They found their answer in ugg boots. These boots became as essential a part of a surfer’s gear as a surfboard. As Australian surfers traversed the globe in search of the perfect wave, they took their boots along and in no time at all, the popularity of the sheep skin boot exploded.

Ugg boots that are made from genuine sheep skin can be worn in all types of weather. When one thinks of boots, one tends to relate boots to cold weather. While it is true that these boots will keep feet warm in temperatures as low as 30ºF, the sheep skin encourages air circulation which helps to keep feet cool even as the ambient temperature climbs. The natural wicking action of the sheep skin draws perspiration and other sources of moisture away from the skin.

These boots are comfortable, too, fitting as snugly as a second skin. And because they are comfortable, people are wearing them everywhere with everything. The styles of ugg boots range from tall to short and everywhere in between. There are clog styles and slipper styles. Tie up laces, top-stitching, buckles and snaps are just some of the accessories that can be added to these boots to change the appearance. There are styles for achieving an ultra feminine look or the rugged mountain-man look. Ugg boots are available in black, brown, brown, blue, purple, red, natural, gray, off-white and more.

So break out of your fashion rule mentality and let your imagination go wild. Get yourself a pair of ugg boots and wear them with you jeans, wear them to work on casual Friday, or pair them up with your Sunday best. Wear these functional yet attractive boots in daily life and even while on vacation. If celebrities can wear them during breaks in filming and children can wear them to school, and if Aussies can wear them out in the sheep shearing sheds, then you can wear them too.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pernyataan Mario Teguh

Mario Teguh dihujani berbagai kritikan seputar pernyataannya di twitter yang membuat wanita perokok menjadi tersinggung.Terhitung pagi ini, Minggu (21/2), motivator kondang Mario Teguh menutup akun jejaring sosial Twitter miliknya karena dituding telah memojokkan wanita perokok.

Berikut Mario Teguh Twitter klarifikasi Mario yang dimuat dalam sebuah grup di situs jejaring sosial facebook miliknya.

Bagian pertama, Sahabat Indonesia yang super, yang hatinya baik, dan yang sedang membangun kehidupan yang damai dan sejahtera, bagi kebahagiaan keluarga terkasih.

Berkenaan dengan perkembangan berita mengenai penarikan pelayanan MTSuperClub (MTSC) dari Twitter, bersama ini saya menyampaikan konfirmasi yang mudah-mudahan tidak Anda butuhkan untuk betul-betul mengerti letak konsep dari posting kami di Twitter yang telah menjadi bahan berita di beberapa media.

1. Apa pun prosedur pemilihan, penyusunan, dan penerbitan posting di Twitter dan semua media pelayanan publik MTSC via internet yang hampir mencapai jumlah 900,000 anggota di seluruh dunia, adalah sepenuhnya tanggung-jawab pribadi saya dan hanya saya.

2. Para Moderator MTSC tidak dihukum atau menerima penalti apa pun atas ketidak-setujuan sebagian anggota publik atas posting di media-media kami, karena saya yang menugaskan mereka, dan mereka terjamin dan terlindungi oleh tanggung-jawab saya sebagai pemberi tugas, selama yang mereka lakukan adalah kesalahan; karena kesalahan adalah hal wajar bagi siapa pun yang sedang belajar untuk menjadi lebih mampu. Mereka akan sangat terhukum jika kesalahan itu disebabkan oleh ketidak-jujuran.

3. Tujuan dari postings di media pelayanan MTSC adalah untuk memajukan pemikiran, penyikapan, dan perilaku yang mengutamakan kedamaian, kesejahteraan, dan kecemerlangan peran pribadi mereka yang kami layani dalam kehidupan pribadi dan profesi mereka.

4. Atas anjuran MT Management, saya dan beberapa MTSC Moderator memulai proses belajar menemukan cara-cara untuk menggunakan kekuatan dari jejaring Twitter untuk melengkapi sistem pelayanan publik kami yang sudah ada. Kami mulai aktif menggunakan Twitter dengan nama account MarioTeguhMTGW pada 1 Februari 2010, yang dalam 20 hari telah menerima lebih dari 23,000 followers.

5. #MTOF (MT Open Forum) adalah trending topic yang kami rancang sebagai koleksi mata diskusi akhir minggu (Sabtu dan Minggu, 20-21 Februari 2010).

6. #MTOF 6. adalah mata diskusi yang menasehatkan anak putri kita untuk tidak mempersulit masa depan kehidupan pribadi dan pernikahan mereka sendiri

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Things To Do In And Around Melbourne

Melbourne is the capital of Victoria, Australia. Melbourne offers great shopping and dining and Victoria has got a beautiful countryside and coast line combining beautiful national and state parks with quiet little towns and some larger regional centres. Phillip Island is a charming island with some big tourist attractions like the penguin parade and the Motor Racing Grand Prix. It is a great place to go for a short break, relax and be one with nature.

Phillip Island is located about 90 minutes away from Melbourne, Phillip Island is linked to the mainland by a bridge connecting the mainland town of San Remo to the island town of Newhaven. Once you have arrived there are plenty of accommodations for staying overnight on the island. Hotels are located in the main township of Cowes and other towns on the island. Beach side apartments can be found on the islands seaside villages. Resorts, camping sites and caravan rentals also allow guests different ways of experiencing the island.

Phillip Island draws over 3.5 million tourists each year and the primary reason for that is the penguin parade. The penguin parade allows visitors a chance to see the world's smallest species of penguins up close. Australia is one of the few places in the world where this species of penguin is found. At the Phillip Island Nature Park, an area has been set aside specifically for viewing. Just after the sun sets down, the fairy penguins as they are often called return from fishing in the sea to their sand dune burrows. You can witness as the penguins return to the island in groups; the entire process lasts about 50 minutes.

The lights and elevated boardwalks make it easy for you to see the penguins. You can't make photographs, but you can see the little penguins from only a few feet away. They are a mesmerizing breed and you will find yourself not able to stop looking at them. Additionally, visitors must stay within the designated areas to not disturb the animals. You should also remember to dress warmly when you come have a look at the penguins. At night by the seaside you can easily get cold as my family has experienced in a number of occassions!

Though penguins might be the main draw, there is much more wildlife to experience on Phillip Island. The Noobies Centre offers an interactive look at marine life through high tech cameras that capture their every move while removing unobtrusive. You can see sea bird colonies, sharks, seals and dolphins as well as the island's beautiful south coast. The Blowhole is a sea cave that is must see during high tide as it can shoot out sea spray. A visit to the Koala Conservation Centre will give you a treetop view of koalas and native island birds.

Just offshore of Newhaven is the historic Churchill Island. This historic working farm dating back to the late 1800s includes sheep, chickens, Clydesdale horses and peacocks. This is where you can walk through beautiful woodlands showcasing the islands birdlife and trees hundreds of years old.

If you are interested in a more action oriented trip, you will be glad to know that Phillip Island does not disappoint with popular activities including fishing, boating scuba diving and island walks. Cape Woolamai offers one of the best panoramic views of the island for taking a walk. Its beach is also popular among professional surfers looking for strong rips and currents. For swimming the north side of the island is better as the seas tend to be a little less rough.

Fans of motorsport will not be disappointed when touring Phillip Island. The island was the original home to the Australian Grand Prix and the Bathurst 1000. The Phillip Island Grand Prix Circuit is the current home of the motorcycle version of the Grand Prix and is the host venue for a number of other motorsport events. The Visitor Centre covers the history of the motor racing on the island and provides a guided tour of the circuit.

So you see, Phillip Island, despite its' size, has got a wide variety of attractions. When you visit Melbourne for longer than a few days I would definitely recommend you come check out the Penguin Parade at least. Those little creatures are really wonderful. Anything else is up to the time you have available and what you want to do, but you can definitely spend a day or two on the island without getting bored. Spend any longer and you run the risk of falling in love with Phillip Island and never wanting to leave again!