Buku Hamil

Buku Hamil
Buku Cara Cepat Hamil

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Still Yamaha Bison

Sepeda Motor Bebek Injeksi - The tournament was followed by four countries including: Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam, and Thailand. As host, Indonesia involve two teams. Pun with Vietnam, as the winner at the previous tournament (2008). While Thailand and Malaysia was represented by one team. Entire teams will be divided into two groups, A and B.

Sepeda Motor - Responding to this tournament, Coach Garuda 1, Bambang Murdijatno said, though blind power of the opponent, but is optimistic his team can lift a trophy at this annual event. "I believe can bring this team to be champions," said Bambang, after the news conference, the opening of the Yamaha Asean Cup U-13, in Jakarta, Thursday (29 / 7).

"We've made preparations for 30 days. In addition to technical training, physical, and stamina, the team also conducted tests Garuda duel with opponents ranging from the equivalent to the weight. That means we've been doing serious preparations to face this tournament, "said Bambang.

Bambang explained further, team Garuda Garuda 1 and 2, were recruited through a rigorous screening. We did a competition that followed School Football (the SSB) in 12 cities in the homeland: Makassar, Bali, Jakarta, South Sumatra, West Sumatra, North Sumatra, Jambi, West Java, Surabaya, Banten, Lampung, and Bekasi.

"There are about 60 SSB in the competition. From that competition, filtered according to the players that we have talent. After that, broken down into Garuda Garuda 1 and 2. However, the best team in the Garuda 2, "Bambang added.

"Filtering by talent scouts, from May 15 until July 15. Technique, height, and the stamina to refine our assessment benchmarks players on this team, "concluded the former coach Bambang SSB Pelita Jaya.

The composition of Players:
Garuda 1 Team
Kartika Kusuma Putra; Panca Ambirato, Kurniawan Dwi Masruli, Yuda Destiana, Mulladi Mustari, Rustan Imam Ghazali, Ahmad Fitroh, Yoppy Muslim Brotherhood, Adnan Faturahman, Fauzan, Anggara Ridho Son, Tough Baskoro Cahyono, Danny Saputra Usman, Nico, Joseph Dwi Yansyah , Aji Sutiadi, Ganu Hersandi Muhammad, Mohammad Iksan Ramadhani.
Coach: Bambang Murdijatno

Garuda Team 2
Andi Prayogi; Son Deto, Ahmad Abdul Hotip, Maulana Muhammad Wijaya, Muhammad Alfian, Bayu Sulistiawan, Muh. Nur Ihksan, Billy Fuligensius Paoji Keraf, Renaldi Wahyo Son, Aminudin Fatah Arif, Muhammad Mulyarman, Danutiar Yulianto, Luky Zulfa Pratama, Mohammed Sadam, Dani H. Darwin, Rianto, Gede Oki H, Ramadan Dwi C.
Coach: Rohmat, Nur Abdullah.

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